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Discord Moderator
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Everything posted by Norex

  1. bump
  2. 3.7m from Norex3 account
  3. 3.5m from Norex3 account
  4. 2.5m from Norex3 account
  5. 1m from Norex3 account
  6. 850k from Norex3 account
  7. Hey, I would like to buy this Pawniard from Norex3 account on Silver:
  8. You need to lower the happiness first by fainting it in a wild battle. Then gain the max happiness again during daytime with the Groomer NPC.
  9. Youre pokemon does not have enough Happiness. You are probably confusing the number 154 which is the HP and not its happiness. You can check for the happiness with the /happy 1-6 command, the number will indicate the party-slot you want to chec.
  10. bump
  11. bump
  12. bump
  13. bump
  14. bump
  15. bump
  16. bump
  17. bump
  18. bump
  19. bump
  20. bump
  21. Rotom 130k sold.
  22. bump
  23. bump
  24. added a few new pokemon including Sharpness Gallade Teleport Slowbro Chilly Reception Slowking Godly Lucario Godly Ammonguss Modest Sun Sweeper Venusaur ...
  25. 3.1m from Norex3 account
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