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Everything posted by Sizilien

  2. Cousin I saw you eveytime here lol lets hunt together XD
  3. Hi moderators, I hope you can read this bug that I report. The scenario is I catching chingling for daily news report. But the npc didnt not recognized or accept the poke that I'm trying to submit as you can see in the photos below. I hope you can fixed and see this asap.
  4. Hi admin Comrader thanks for the help finallly evolve it to ninjask plus shedinja :) My problem has been resolved.
  5. I have the same problem evolving nincada to shedinja what did you do to evolve it. Its appear to me whenever I lvl my nincada always evolve to ninjask.
  6. I already did 5 teams in party with free space available. Is this a bug? Nincada trying to evolve to ninjask not sheninja
  7. Read pm in discord bro
  8. Insta #Dratini 2
  9. start #2 dratini
  10. Name Change Username: Myrna23 New Username: Sizilien Server to charge the money from: Gold
  11. hi drafalgus want to bid for clone squirtle for 100k and 150k for clone bulba tnx. Katakuri23 is my friend anyway nice shop there.
  12. yes I will start the other bulba for 100k
  13. Hi I want to start the offer for the two clones which is both 100k each
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