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Everything posted by Ghassen607

  1. IGN: Ghassen607 - Discord name: Ghassen607#8517 - Pokemon name: Louras - Pokemon Typing: Fire/ Fairy - Pokemon description: Louras is a small poke that look like like a small winged Fairy Colered in Red and White . The Base Stat of this poke { HP(70) Atk(40) Def(50) S.Atk(120) S.Def (45) Spd(130) } . Louras can use also use the flying type moves to some extend , it has 2 abilities(Flash Fire & competitive) , this Poke has 2 version a female version and male version it can only be found on honey trees and does not have an Evolution this poke is usually know for his love to sweets , especially honey
  2. What's your IGN? Ghassen607 How many hours do you have in PRO? 331h Do you have discord? (Let us know your name and # so we can contact you.) ghassen607#8517 How far are you in story? Complete How active are you in PRO? (How often do you play?) 2h every day Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both? PvE but also trying to bild a good team to start PvP Why do you want to join Calamity guild? Looking for a good guild to make the most of the experience and to have fun
  3. In-Game Name:ghassen607 Discord Tag:Ghassen607#8517 Server:gold How often do you use Discord?: everyday What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? : a channel with all the commands for discord & the game or a command that shows all the other commands for expl " ^commands "
  4. I know that can be difficult to make , but is there any plans on making playable for the ios users ?? thanks alot
  5. Discord Tag:Ghassen607 Server: Gold
  6. infernape start
  7. leave an offer, ty
  8. price check plzzzzzzzzz
  9. 800k budget for both
  10. you need a ditto +60k to get the bike the ditto only allows you to buy the bike
  11. wtb suit & male glasses 5//50 coin mp me price
  12. price check pls
  13. i talked to every one santa , the grinch , the gards but nothing happned is there something i need to do???
  14. xmas manaphy
  15. ghassen607 if u want to mp me in game
  16. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Mamathieu Friendliest: Mamathieu Funniest: Mamathieu Coolest: Cyber54 Comeback Player of the Year: Mamathieu Most Talkative: Mamathieu Most Trustworthy: Mamathieu Most Helpful: Mamathieu Most Missed: Mamathieu Most Influential: Mamathieu Most Intriguing: Mamathieu Most Experienced Player: Mamathieu Best/Funniest Username: Mamathieu Most Professional Guide Maker: Aranzulla Most Professional Discord Moderator: Fallen STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: BersekerOP Best Artist: Sirmeowington Best Community Coordinator: Brannon Best Moderator: Mutantspider Best Trade Moderator: SaltySully Best Game Master: Noisia Best Admin: Shaui Best Staff Username: Nebulas Most Professional Staff: Shaui Most Dedicated Staff: Eaty Funniest Staff: Shaui Friendliest Staff: Shaui Most Honorable Former Staff: Shary Most Missed Former Staff: Shary
  17. thx! will do that then!!
  18. leave the offers below or mp in game "ghassen607"
  19. Problem solved
  20. this is where it went wrong patcherError.txt
  21. thx that really helped
  22. to do the repel trick i need to activate a repel and a poke with same lvl or lower to get the wanted poke??
  23. i think this would be a perfect porygon2
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