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Everything posted by Ghassen607
IGN: Ghassen607 - Discord name: Ghassen607#8517 - Pokemon name: Louras - Pokemon Typing: Fire/ Fairy - Pokemon description: Louras is a small poke that look like like a small winged Fairy Colered in Red and White . The Base Stat of this poke { HP(70) Atk(40) Def(50) S.Atk(120) S.Def (45) Spd(130) } . Louras can use also use the flying type moves to some extend , it has 2 abilities(Flash Fire & competitive) , this Poke has 2 version a female version and male version it can only be found on honey trees and does not have an Evolution this poke is usually know for his love to sweets , especially honey
What's your IGN? Ghassen607 How many hours do you have in PRO? 331h Do you have discord? (Let us know your name and # so we can contact you.) ghassen607#8517 How far are you in story? Complete How active are you in PRO? (How often do you play?) 2h every day Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both? PvE but also trying to bild a good team to start PvP Why do you want to join Calamity guild? Looking for a good guild to make the most of the experience and to have fun
In-Game Name:ghassen607 Discord Tag:Ghassen607#8517 Server:gold How often do you use Discord?: everyday What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? : a channel with all the commands for discord & the game or a command that shows all the other commands for expl " ^commands "
infernape start
800k budget for both
you need a ditto +60k to get the bike the ditto only allows you to buy the bike
wtb suit & male glasses 5//50 coin mp me price
i talked to every one santa , the grinch , the gards but nothing happned is there something i need to do???
PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: Mamathieu Friendliest: Mamathieu Funniest: Mamathieu Coolest: Cyber54 Comeback Player of the Year: Mamathieu Most Talkative: Mamathieu Most Trustworthy: Mamathieu Most Helpful: Mamathieu Most Missed: Mamathieu Most Influential: Mamathieu Most Intriguing: Mamathieu Most Experienced Player: Mamathieu Best/Funniest Username: Mamathieu Most Professional Guide Maker: Aranzulla Most Professional Discord Moderator: Fallen STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: BersekerOP Best Artist: Sirmeowington Best Community Coordinator: Brannon Best Moderator: Mutantspider Best Trade Moderator: SaltySully Best Game Master: Noisia Best Admin: Shaui Best Staff Username: Nebulas Most Professional Staff: Shaui Most Dedicated Staff: Eaty Funniest Staff: Shaui Friendliest Staff: Shaui Most Honorable Former Staff: Shary Most Missed Former Staff: Shary
thx! will do that then!!
Problem solved
this is where it went wrong patcherError.txt
thx that really helped
to do the repel trick i need to activate a repel and a poke with same lvl or lower to get the wanted poke??