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Everything posted by Pasokoss

  1. Hi guys i caught this rare pvpable shiny and taking offers.
  2. Start bid 2m Ends 48 hours after first bid. Insta later Accept rr 650 k Cc 350 k
  3. Hi im selling this mega pokes You can offer here ty.
  4. Sorry mate sold 11 m
  5. Anyone knows price?ty
  6. Saw
  7. Sorry now show is gold..im silver
  8. Insta
  9. Hi selling this poke. Volca timid 5 m Breloom h.a 700 k Leavanny 31/31 250 k Feraligart 450 k Shroomish h.a 31 spd 1 m... sold Growlithe relaxed 22+ 350 k Growlithe adamant 21+ 200 k Conke adamant 31 atk 650 k Garchomp h.a impish 450 k Jolteon 31 spd h.p grash 600 k Dusknoir adamant 20+ 250 k Chandelure h.p ice 400 k Matagross adamant 400 k Accept cc 350 k rr 600 k
  10. High def hp...20 + the other iv.show me if you got impish nature by mistake
  11. 31/31 ...1.5 m
  12. time left?
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