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Everything posted by Somes

  1. Re: Shiny Charmander wts <r><QUOTE author="aymanex15"><s> </e></QUOTE> how is that an offrr? u bought that lol he wants stuffs which can be resold quick xd</r>
  2. Re: Shiny Charmander wts <t>6m + shiny togekiss c.o 5m - 11m i offer</t>
  3. edited.. start is 5m
  4. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ The oldest guild ingame. <r><QUOTE author="XmclovinX"><s> </e></QUOTE> Huehueheuhue <3<br/> Come to da discordz <URL url="https://discord.gg/typ5E">https://discord.gg/typ5E</URL></r>
  5. Wts ma babeeeh c.o none starting bid 5m Instant: 10m I'll ignore the lowballers
  6. c,o none instant400k starting 100k will end after 24hours of 1st offer
  7. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ UPDATED [8/7/16] <r><QUOTE author="Inspirateur"><s> </e></QUOTE> RUnis is the best lol Quag and woop m/d/n</r>
  8. https://prntscr.com/c6bi55 c.o 1m5 by blue lf more instant 1.7m
  9. Shiny Togekiss + Shiny Starmie + 1m :v
  10. Insta on Gothi 500k Insta on Happi is 250k YOu can start offering for both at 120k
  11. H.P Fighting, Power : full max 60 Fighting is also usuable cuz it's still super effective vs Steel pokes and thunderbolt koes scizor lmao instant 500k start bid from 300k
  12. Re: Shiny Lunatone c.o 650k <t>sold for 1m2 to raf</t>
  13. Re: Shiny Lunatone <t>C.o 650k by 12lauty</t>
  14. Offers starting from 600k insta 1-1.5m SOLD
  15. uhmm...
  16. As the topic says, i wanted to know whats the Shiny chance from Pokemon Doctor daily quest? cuz i saw a shiny munchlax today soo fast was wondering whats the rate.
  17. Re: ``Some Epic pokes 4 sale ~`` oo00oo <t>cloy sold 500k<br/> Mandi sold 1m</t>
  18. c.o na insta 500k SOLD c.o na insta 800k SOLD c.o na insta 600k c.o na insta 400k
  19. It'll evo into dis black n.... lmao, lf offers. C.o will start at a 500k offer insta 700k
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