Re: Shiny Charmander wts
<r><QUOTE author="aymanex15"><s> </e></QUOTE>
how is that an offrr? u bought that lol he wants stuffs which can be resold quick xd</r>
Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ The oldest guild ingame.
<r><QUOTE author="XmclovinX"><s> </e></QUOTE>
Huehueheuhue <3<br/>
Come to da discordz <URL url=""></URL></r>
H.P Fighting, Power : full max 60
Fighting is also usuable cuz it's still super effective vs Steel pokes and thunderbolt koes scizor lmao
instant 500k
start bid from 300k
As the topic says, i wanted to know whats the Shiny chance from Pokemon Doctor daily quest?
cuz i saw a shiny munchlax today soo fast was wondering whats the rate.