Ty for da Giveaway Shamu
IGN: Somes
I'd like da mouse cuz.. it looks kewl, i can't afford one , never had one tbh xD
Imma play CS and COD series with it lewl. lm.ao.. Thanks again for da gibawayz!!
Re: Super epic Shellder 30 x 2 ivs adamant Skilllink lookin for offers
<r>c.o 300k now <URL url="https://prntscr.com/c0iui5">https://prntscr.com/c0iui5</URL></r>
c.o: 480k
Each c.o must be 30k more than the last one
instant 700k
i have a min price in mind if someone reaches it i might directly approach him/her for selling.
Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ The oldest guild ingame.
<r><QUOTE author="Fadoka"><s> </e></QUOTE>
Yup you're welcomed. Come on discord whenever you can. You will find some friends you know as well :P . You're being waited.<e> </e></QUOTE>
<URL url="https://discord.gg/7j8RP">https://discord.gg/7j8RP</URL> come here</r>
Yay, selling my chansey got almost perfect stats needed for pvp def/spdef/ 30 hp :3
Instant 2m
C.o 500k
Time 1 days from the guy offering 500k+
sold to kahnum
Re: EPIC adamant Snorlax ThickFat c.o 360k and EPIC impish EVEE --
<r><URL url="https://prntscr.com/bzo2j0">https://prntscr.com/bzo2j0</URL> new c.o on lax 380k lf more more 24 hours</r>