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Everything posted by Somes

  1. 1.2m and https://prntscr.com/c4uhbc epicfor shiny shroom
  2. ill start wih 400k on shroom
  3. c.o will only start with 300k offer
  4. i'd like to take back my offer
  5. You can start offering from 300k or 1ms and 100k Instant set at 1m (can negotiate in private msg)
  6. Re: Epic adamant thickfat snorlax c,o 700k instant 1.2m <t>aight sold for insta</t>
  7. can i start with 250k?
  8. 200k......
  9. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ UPDATED [8/7/16] <r><QUOTE author="francorocco"><s> </e></QUOTE> you put route 113 in attack spot hoenn,the correct are route 112<e> </e></QUOTE> Thanks for correcting me.<br/> STILL looking for better spots ya ppl can help.</r>
  10. Re: Epic adamant thickfat snorlax <r>
  11. Re: Epic adamant thickfat snorlax <r><URL url="https://prntscr.com/c3528x">https://prntscr.com/c3528x</URL> <br/> c.o 300k instant 500k <br/> looking for more</r>
  12. Welcome to PRO.
  13. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ The oldest guild ingame. <t>Goodluck everyone for the Gible Hunt event.</t>
  14. Start offering above 200k or 1ms
  15. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ UPDATED [7/2/16] <r><CENTER><s> </s><SIZE size="200"><s></s><B><s></s><U><s></s>UPDATE~<e></e></U><e></e></B><e></e></SIZE><br/> <br/> <SIZE size="150"><s></s>New Hoenn DEF Ev Spot, Route 113 ,best one so far other than rusturf tunnel.<e></e></SIZE><br/> <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/48e7b7cb5c834a15a2d3aa7eb355793b.png"><s></e></IMG><e> </e></CENTER></r>
  16. Sold to kritika for near instant....
  17. gj gj , now reach the 20m club :P
  18. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ The oldest guild ingame. <r><QUOTE author="chinhnm57"><s> </e></QUOTE> <URL url="https://discord.gg/RD2Ua">https://discord.gg/RD2Ua</URL><br/> come to our chat</r>
  19. only 2?.. myguild has 3 and i know more ppl having those lol
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