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Everything posted by Somes

  1. Re: ✰ Headbutt Trees Location ! [New trees and Chimchar !!?? ✰ <t>Turtwig headbutt too.. update it :D</t>
  2. i use jolly parasect spore/fswipe and lol full speed ev on it to ensure that i can outspeed some pokemons in wild battles. But mines dryskin. Go with Breloom.
  3. Daen said more 5-6 days.
  4. Somes

    Steelix in PVP

    I've battled a lot, Steelix both has a good and improvement side. Good (Not all times): Make a team with good def and spdef wall with atk sweepers, players use spatk mostly to kill it but not atk cuz Firefang/Scizor, Steelmove/mamo and etc. Improvement: I know u said "Current Meta" so, Curse is needed and air baloon or a weaknesspolicy kinda item. Use Steel with some another def/spdef and rest attackers depends upon ur choice. Just suggestion.
  5. You all have to submit the rpic pokemons u catch. To Assure it was caught that time, u gotta take a Full screenshot of whole pcincluding discord chat.
  6. Meh imma kill alex, he said me only modest/timid try seeing previous day chat niggraz
  7. Ask alex :P He's the one who said for Mod/Timi only
  8. It does, sell it to item maniac at north of cerulean for money.
  9. Meh im sleepy will do banner, edits, and other shiz's tomorrow.
  10. InfernoBlaZe Guild Hunt #2 The first guild hunt touched superb success, but don't you wanna do it again? It's time for the #2 Official BlaZe Guild Hunt. Get your Fire Extinguisher and Pokeballs ready for those Fiery Pokemon in the Cinnabar Mansion. This Event will be remembered as " The Creepy Mansion Hunt " Time Period: 18 Hours from this post. Kinda from Monday till Sunday. Players need to deposit 20k to guild bank to join _______________________________________________ Rules: # Pokemons only of Cinnabar Islands. # Important, When you catch any pokemon , screenshot it with the Whole PRO Game background, which means full game must visible in the SS. # Only Modest or Timid Natured Pokemons will be counted, the pokemons must have IV's on required Stat i.e. 31spatk modest vulpix, not 31atk modest vulpix. # Important, before winners are decided you gotta show your pokemons to either of any Discord OWNER or MOD to confirm its not photoshopped. _______________________________________________ Since i've mentioned about Fiery Pokes, so lemme tell yah what exactly to catch: # 1st place will be: Best Charmander # 2nd place will be: Best magmar # 3rd place will be: Best Hidden Ability Vulpix # 4th place will be: Best Shiny Caught _______________________________________________ Notes: # The Pokemons must be caught only in Cinnabar Mansion, and the shinies caught will be only from Cinnabar Mansion. # Shiny Magmar or Charmander will be an instant 1st place. _______________________________________________ Rewards: Money and Pokemons (To be decided) _______________________________________________ Participants: Post your name in this post. 1. Somes 2. JustLegend 3. Iggi 4. Mitsuru 5. Mustaches 6. Yamayama 7. Aminah 8. TheDude 9. Mahl 10. Mourad 11.Kingheily 12. TechVirus 13.DanyBlaze The Dead Are Rising From The Grave. :thanks:
  11. You should check, many similar topics were made and closed.That win't ever happen. For reference scroll down to see Similar Topics
  12. It is indeed a good pokemon. Level it with max 255 happiness (Max) to evolve. Well, faint pokemons in wild to gain happiness also happiness can be gained when you put the Pokemon in the first in your party and travel. That is happiness gained from step counts.
  13. And i don't think this is the proper forums to post this topic. Creativity Zone
  14. I was unsure about Azumarill but the more i think about it the more it makes sense. The big flaw of the comp is its huge electric weakness so i think gyarados defensive typing wouldn't help at all, and i was afraid to take a straight ground type since the core of this team consists in boosting water type moves. A motor drive electivire could fit in, giving some electric immunity and physical attacks as well. So in terms of comp, taking out lanturn for electivire and Azumarill into the 6th spot would be the thing to do :) What do you think about tentacruel ? Even if it fits its spinner/entry hazard setter role pretty well, isn't the team too weak against special attackers ? Get a Blastoise i'd suggest for spins (Cuz tenta can spike but you wouldn't want to waste 1 turn of rainfall for hazards) and if u want something Atk based Swiftswimmer try lookin for a Armaldo/Beartic with swiftswim.. ofc hard to find still... and a Slowbro can be a good def tank too its also water type so u can boost up his surf. Secondly, i've seen in many battles players using Swiftswim Omastar, it has a pretty insane def and spatk too. For its set: Shellsmash op, Surf, other depends on u. A Bold Milotic will be good too! Recover,Toxic,Surf bulky set.
  15. Re: WTS Shiny Swablu <r><QUOTE author="Cubelios"><s> </e></QUOTE> Who bidded 15mil? just curious.</r>
  16. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r><URL url="https://discord.gg/0ckRjEsLQOEKYZ2z">https://discord.gg/0ckRjEsLQOEKYZ2z</URL><br/> FOr the appliers, visit our chat.</r>
  17. Happy New Year everyone.. gimme those karps dawg x)
  18. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <r><QUOTE author="OneWingedNecro"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ty lol :3</r>
  19. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <r><QUOTE author="allessio"><s> </e></QUOTE> Somes, you are not accepting any more request ? :3<e> </e></QUOTE> Later, im a bit busy atm.</r>
  20. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <r><QUOTE author="OneWingedNecro"><s> </e></QUOTE> Yw m8 :)</r>
  21. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <r><QUOTE author="Halfon3100"><s> </e></QUOTE> already.<br/> Will add descriptions later today.</r>
  22. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <r><QUOTE author="ShinCrayon"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks for helping will update soon.</r>
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