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Everything posted by Somes

  1. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <t>UPDATE: 12/26/15<br/> <br/> A freaking nice spot to do SPATK ev's Only Oddish and Glooms .. good thing gloom isnt rare in this area it common as oddish, like out of every 10 pokemons 6 are gloom and also if ur lucky enough u can find Shinx and Pineco while doin evs.<br/> Route 5, Night time<br/> Ev: 1 and 2<br/> Oddish,Gloom,Abra</t>
  2. Gl with guild Immo
  3. Add best T-MOD meh :P
  4. Lf offers.
  5. As said Zero,Arnie and other staffs said this is already said and there have been many threads made upon this topic, as for them their priority is a better server first.
  6. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <t>Will be updating thread with some spot description. 12/26/2015</t>
  7. Members Smartest: Mahl Friendliest: Stellar Funniest: TechVirus Coolest: Justlegend Best Debater: Comeback Player of the Year: Suhu Most Attractive Male: Deathwing :P Most Attractive Female: Stellar <3 Most Talkative: Suhu Most Trustworthy: Daenerys Most Helpful: Stellar Most Potential: iRafayel Most Missed (who parted from PRO this year but hasn't returned): Chew aka RedShanks Most Influential (good or bad, who made the biggest impact on the community this year?): Most Intriguing (a player that manages to capture your attention for some weird/unique reason): Suhu ._. Most Artistic: Staff Best Admin: Arnie Best DEV: Shane Best GM: Deathwing Best Artist: Carel Best Mapper: Knuckles Best Scripter: Naeareao Best CC: Neva Most Professional Staff: Red a.k.a Nikola :D Most Friendly Staff: Xhaj Most Dedicated Staff: Nikola / Shane Most Honorable Former Staff: Knuckles Trainers/Guilds Toughest Battler: Fadoka Best Collector: JustLegend Most Dedicated Hunter: JustLegend Most Generous: Jinga Best Businessman: Psychasm Best Daycare: Strongest Guild: Chronos/ Skyhorizon (CUZ I CANT VOTE MY OWN GUILD THE RULE SAYS) Most Fun Guild: Chronos Top Guild Leader: Daenerys
  8. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <r><QUOTE author="ggplay"><s> </e></QUOTE> update soon</r>
  9. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <r><QUOTE author="xarakas"><s> </e></QUOTE> Mate its good but u do realise thats too far from PC.</r>
  10. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <r><QUOTE author="Dhevin"><s> </e></QUOTE> haha got chu :P<br/> I wrote it wrong in spatk/spdef evs ty for correcting me.</r>
  11. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <r><QUOTE author="crazyping12"><s> </e></QUOTE> isnt good anymore in route 19 there is slowepoke and psyducks there for route 20 there is horsea and chinchou <br/> <br/> but route 21 is best for spdef tenta and tentacruel and lapras HR<e> </e></QUOTE> Oh i just checked there.. yah psyduk's came more.. better rt 21. ty</r>
  12. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <r><QUOTE author="crazyping12"><s> </e></QUOTE> why ? lol there is doduo and tangelas there ..<e> </e></QUOTE> do they give Spatk? no .. and im rather focusing on points which are close to Pokecenter mate. Otherwise i could have Listed Spatk ev on Whirl Islands meh. Whirl islands best for spatk ev but no pc near it.. u gotta travel olivine back again. see that why i've focused spots near pc's.</r>
  13. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <r><QUOTE author="crazyping12"><s> </e></QUOTE> ..... golbats<e> </e></QUOTE> lol and u think golbats gives HP ev? Cuz this list was for HP ._.</r>
  14. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <r><QUOTE author="daenerys"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks for Info i'll update :D</r>
  15. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <t>EDIT added this combo post to main.</t>
  16. «◘EV TRAINING HOTSPOTS◘» Hey there fellas, i'm starting up this Guide Thread in-order to help ya out in EV training fast Before you get started you may like to know what EVs actually are. EV stands for 'effort value'. 4 Evs will increase a pokemon stat by 1 point, the maximum amount of EVs in a stat is 255 but the recommended maximum is 252 so you can use the remainder points in another stat. If you want a full guide and explanation of what EVs are you should check somewhere else like bulbapedia. If you have never played pokemon competitively before and would like to learn more about sets and EV spreads then I would recommend checking out smogon. They have all you need and more on basic sets. :etc: This is a list of all the places to train EVs. It will tell you what pokemon will give what EVs and where to find them.If you see something wrong, let me know. :etc: Evs can be modified/multiplied using a "Macho Brace", it makes gained EV's x2 Note: The Timing, Rarity and Evs gained is mentioned. I've tried almost all the maps and checked the spawns to ensure which are can be classified as an EV Training Spot. Click on the If you like the topic :) So, lemme start off with the Ev's thingy :P Timing has been written in M/D/N (Morning/Daytime/Night) UPDATE: (Atk + Speed Combo) Attack EV Hoenn Johto Kanto #..................................................................................................# Speed EV Other[uPDATED] Hoenn Johto Kanto #..................................................................................................# Defense EV Other Hoenn Johto Kanto #..................................................................................................# Spatk EV Other Hoenn Johto Kanto #..................................................................................................# Health Points EV Hoenn Johto Kanto #..................................................................................................# Special Defense EV Hoenn Johto <B> Kanto Combo EV Sets HP and Spatk(Kanto) #..................................................................................................# Speed and Spatk(Kanto) #..................................................................................................# Speed and Atk(Kanto) #..................................................................................................# Hp and Def(Mostly preferred for Chansey)(Kanto) #..................................................................................................# Speed and Atk 2(Kanto) #..................................................................................................# Speed and Spatk(Kanto) #..................................................................................................# Atk and HP(Kanto) #..................................................................................................# Atk and Speed(Hoenn) #..................................................................................................# Speed and Spatk(Hoenn) #..................................................................................................# Def and HP(Hoenn) #..................................................................................................# Atk and Spd(Hoenn)
  17. Prices vary from 40k to 50k .. (there are hats,clothes of different types and colors) Another Clothes selling shop is in Ecrutek City in jhoto Theres another limited one in Christmas Event Map (Winter Clothes) and i guess this isn't the forum u should ask this question. Game reports bugs/stuck/blacking are to be reported here.
  18. haha yeah
  19. [glow=red]MERRY CHRISTMAS[/glow] Hey all players and staffs , wish ya'll a Merry Christmas *cling* *cling* ........................................................... Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. :Angel: ~Calvin Coolidge ........................................................... This time Xmas gonna be fun with ya all, hope Santa spawn's me shiny dratini :3 What's ur plans on Christmas Eve? :P ........................................................... Some Vids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1qb-p05EBM ........................................................... Ingame Pics: ........................................................... Cheeeestmass:
  20. Re: Sell Epic Umbreon 30 30 def spdef 31 atk. Buy Epic Squirtle Blastoise Modest <r>Ur image doesnt shows up. Try imgur link next time u do so.<br/> <br/> Lemme help ya,<br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/0IsQ72y.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  21. Exp is tradable.
  22. 2 50c Mounts ? i guess its an arca and lapras. As for the current economy both are sold for 75-90k each
  23. Hey there Yukii, The Auction house is already planned but it's not the priority at the moment, they need a better stabilized server and some other stuffs first.
  24. The dude said that the BO in game is 1 mil Thats probably my old offer :P I offered him either 1m or shiny grow
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