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Everything posted by Somes

  1. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated NAERO BOSS !!Mystery Tyranitar Tanoby Ruin !!] <r><QUOTE author="leekhoasoooo"><s> </e></QUOTE> NICE XD<e> </e></QUOTE> This can be a random tyranittar overworld sprite movin here and there like other pokemons , still lol mystery.</r>
  2. Re: SEMI EPIC RHYHORN/BAGON BELIEVE IT OR NOT ITS FROM (KANTO) <t>Isn't that bagon from Dewthwing NPC reward?</t>
  3. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <t>Thanks</t>
  4. Re: LV120 Team BOSS HACKER! (Vol.2 updated!) <r><QUOTE author="h0anganhhb1989"><s> </e></QUOTE> Fenniken was an event pokemon [Not Catchable now].<br/> Was of Haloween Event, though you can buy one yourself try looking in trade chat.</r>
  5. Re: LV120 Team BOSS HACKER! (Vol.2 updated!) <t>Haha had fun watching :3</t>
  6. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <r>Techvirus's Request:<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/m60lZkm.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  7. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <r><QUOTE author="Tyano123"><s> </e></QUOTE> Welcome :3</r>
  8. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <r><QUOTE author="cellus"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ah, i get you :P<br/> Thanks [uPDATED]</r>
  9. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <r><QUOTE author="cellus"><s> </e></QUOTE> Already there.<br/> <QUOTE author="cellus"><s> </e></QUOTE> Already there, both spots are close to eachother so dun think i should mention it.<br/> <QUOTE author="cellus"><s> </e></QUOTE> WIll add.<br/> <QUOTE author="cellus"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks.</r>
  10. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <r><CENTER><s> </s><B><s></s><SIZE size="150"><s></s>UPDATE: SPEED EV's<e></e></SIZE><e></e></B><br/> <br/> <SIZE size="150"><s></s>NIGHT time<e></e></SIZE><br/> Guys, If u have membership then go to Sevii Island 5 Meadow Region, Superfast Speed evs, Only Persian,Pidgeotto (4 spd ev with bracE) and Meowth (2 ev with bracE)<e> </e></CENTER></r>
  11. Re: Selling Nice ivs adamant Pinsir 5 x 20+iv <t>bump</t>
  12. He wants massage :o someone halp him! Gonna bump up :P
  13. Re: Selling Nice ivs adamant Pinsir 5 x 20+iv <t>insta 200k</t>
  14. Re: []~ ❣ Som's Sig Shack ❣ ~[] <t>Aand ready to take up 3 requests :D</t>
  15. Re: Selling Nice ivs adamant Pinsir 5 x 20+iv <t>bump</t>
  16. Re: Selling Nice ivs adamant Pinsir 5 x 20+iv <t>Bump</t>
  17. Re: Selling Nice ivs adamant Pinsir 5 x 20+iv <r><QUOTE author="JustLegend"><s> </e></QUOTE> Niggra (D) ur bo</r>
  18. B.O: 100k by JustLegend (Pinsir) Pinsir Insta: 200k Heracross insta: 200k Time will start with a good offer :) Lf offers. Thanks
  19. Suhu is officially ded.
  20. So, i'm selling this Golden Doggy C.o 600k by Killingjocker Lookin for more :)
  21. As a matter of fact pokes/items lost in/after server crash will not be retrieved.
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