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Everything posted by Bladermagician

  1. Can the scripters just remove the area so we don't have to listen to this incessant crying?
  2. Great idea!
  3. It would be awesome if you could make a Tobias Boss for Hoenn. Team would look something like Darkrai, Latios, Latias, Groudon, Kyogre, Mega Rayquaza
  4. I use Weezing against almost every boss and he can sweep nearly all of them.
  6. Use Smogon. It'll give you the best idea of nature/ev/moveset even though our meta isn't the same.
  7. It seems as though some people here have never heard of a volatile market. They have plans for implementing an auction house and that should help the market somewhat just be patient.
  8. So let me get this straight. You are complaining about buying MS with in game money when people buy them with real money? [Edited]
  9. 80 should be enough
  10. Re: 1vs6 LV120 Boss Team HACKER! (Vol.16 - VS Chuck Updated!) <r><QUOTE author="MestrePokemon"><s> </e></QUOTE> Unless the boss has level 150 pokes I doubt that ;)</r>
  11. I didn't even know I could pick Pikachu as a starter when I started the game =\
  12. PRO Username: bladermagician Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: BLUE What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message My game froze after I beat Koga but the server didn't go down. I relogged and I couldn't enter the next E4 room and was forced to fight Koga again with all the items used gone and my pokes were still fainted.
  13. It's your responsibility to know not to challenge the E4 when the server is going to go down. Please be aware of when the server will go down next.
  14. Do y'all even take any suggestions into consideration or just answer everything with "no"?
  15. If people don't sell their pokemon/ms for fear of someone else getting more for their pokemon/ms that is just silly. If you're really concerned about not being able to afford MS or EXP boosts just make more or start trading for them before they run out.
  16. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <t>The one I posted is by far the fastest Def training. Try taking a Gengar with you because Graveler uses explosion most of the time.</t>
  17. 350 hours for a neutral nature terrible EV Mew... Whooooo
  18. There's no such thing as sarcasm on the internet
  19. It is our responsibility as players to know when the servers will be crashing
  20. For Kanto e4 you want all lvl 85+ in your party. for johto e4 you want all lvl 90+ in you party. any pokemon below lvl 75 will no withstand a single hit if the attack dealt is neutral unless the pokemon has the sturdy ability. in other words no your team will not be good enough for the e4 and may not be good enough to beat zapdos at the end of victory road. That's simply untrue. I beat the Kanto E4 with all level 70 pokemon
  21. "I've devised similar NPC-oriented solutions for this in the past, such as Professor Oak giving you a new starter Pokemon if your starter Pokemon rolled back, and I will try to be amenable to adding more fallbacks for similar predicaments as they come to my knowledge. The exact data you lost will be irrecoverable, as we have no means of systematically authenticating that the item was obtained and lost via a rollback before manually returning it; but through systemic means, we can mitigate the damage of rollbacks and clear up progressional deadlocks caused by it." So this can't be done for things like Mew or Celebi?
  22. What does "as it's responisbility" even mean?
  23. Dude 10k in game is a joke
  24. Re: Offering animated signatures 10k each <t>If you could mark me down as paid I'd appreciate it ;)</t>
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