Welcome to My Shop!
I will be adding new Pokemons soon. Stay tuned for them :RowletHeart:
Only CCs and money are accepted for trade.
[spoiler=Trained Pokemons ]
Tyranitar - 550k
Modest Milotic - Looking for offers
Max Spe Ada Lucario - 1m [spoiler=Trained Pokemons ]
Almost Epic Dragonite - 1m Nego
Max Spe Weavile - 800k nego
MG Timid Alakazam - 300k no nego
SS Omastar - 150k
MG bold EPIC Clefable - 600k nego
[spoiler=Untrained pokemons]
Marill - 30k
Max spe Porygon - 200k
Shellder - 100k
Pancham - 50k
Riolu - 100k
Porygon - 100k
Max Spe Growlithe - 80k
Untrained scyther - 120k
EPIC Larvesta -Looking for offers
Almost epic Untrained Rotom - Looking for offers
Almost EPIC Mantyke - 400k nego
Almost epic Piplup - 450k nego
Thanks for visiting!
You can contact me on : UnknownHamster#1086 @Discord
Omgupta2 in game.
Smartest: Alixx7
Friendliest: shunsou
Funniest: Waleed1301
Comeback Player of the Year: Nornornor444
Most Talkative:waleed1301
Most Trustworthy: Himanshu990
Most Helpful: Gore
Most Missed: Noturbussiness
Most Influential: Raika
Most Intriguing: Madara
Most Experienced Player: Raika
Best/Funniest Username: Matherfather13