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Everything posted by Cansu

  1. Figured it out! It works if you talk to ryhorn from the bottom but not from the side. Also there was a slight typo from officer Jenny after where she said “that you” instead of “thank you”
  2. When I was doing the Pinkan island quest, after beating butch it moves you left of james and makes you stuck.... Is there something im missing because when I escape roped it made me refight butch and got me stuck again. I am on my phone right now and the photo size is too large, but if you need a picture I can screenshot with gyazo in the morning.
  3. Hey, I would like to join your guild. I started PRO not too long ago and have gone alone for most of it spending time in Knights thanks to Waleed for the XP boost and I think it is time to find a real guild. I am reliable and honest and find it difficult to avoid helping newer players despite how I sometimes come off in All chat and discord so I feel like I would be a good addition to your guild. If you guys are interested in having me I would love to join, but I must ask to make sure this is a good fit: Do you mostly speak English? If yes then perfect! Let me know! IGN Cansu 319 hours on PRO plus about 70 on my alt Discord is Cansu#0177 Finished Hoenn and waiting for Easter to end before I start Sinnoh Active every day for a few hours depending on my schedule. If I am not on during the day I am usually on in the evening(US Central Time) for some relaxing grinding. PVE for now I have been looking for a more active guild to be a part of since I am pretty active and I have seen the name Calamity come up a lot in chat. For me it definitely helps to have other people to chat with while I am online so I would very much like to join.
  4. I would like to suggest adding Pink Aggron to the game eventually. Seeing the big scary guy in a pink skinned fassion would be very ironic and cute. Thank you.
  5. In-Game Name: Cansu Discord Tag: Cansu#0177 Server: Gold How often do you use Discord? Daily since I joined a few weeks ago What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? I would say for future events like the bug event, making an event discord channel would be much more convenient than posting screenshots on the forum.
  6. https://gyazo.com/95bf77726054fe2b755598ac576efa4a discord Cansu#0177 In game name Cansu Gold Server
  7. https://gyazo.com/886ae00db102ebf684afcfcbe65ff845 Discord Cansu#0177 In game name Cansu, Gold server
  8. https://gyazo.com/6cbcfa577ed9364fe284074abca2967c I guess I post this here? Discord is Cansu#0177 in game name is also Cansu
  9. Due to my getting a 224 point Yanma and not knowing about the event outside the game I did not screenshot the score. After clicking on the link in discord however I was made extremely sad to find that that bug was worth a lot of points if I had screenshotted it. Just a suggestion to help people like myself who are either new to the game or do not see discord posts in time, but it would be extremely helpful to have an in-game reminder to tell us that it is important to screenshot something. Gaining the rewards from an event like this are HUGE for new players and I feel that many like myself may be missing out on what they could have had. For things that are important like this something like "IMPORTANT SCREENSHOT YOUR SCORE AND SEND TO EVENT PAGE" followed by the same text 3 more times or with a delay would definitely ensure better credit to these players if it were to be implemented in future events. Please don't make any more sad Yanmas like this one. Thank you for your time.
  10. The exclusive safari let me go inside even though I did not have membership. I got stuck there twice because I didn't know it was members only, but when there I could not encounter pokemon the entire time and when I would try to leave it would send me to a loading screen that never ended until I manually closed the game. I don't care too much but it wasted the rest of the time left on one of my single use safaris and I accidentally bought a 50k safari after I got back in the second time.
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