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Everything posted by Psamathee

  1. WTB]Cottonee S&Pink - Ralts xmas&Pink Pm her or Ur Can pm me ING : Psamathee
  2. Plop, Je suis plutôt intéressé pour rejoindre votre guilde. Voici mes réponses aux questions : _Pseudo dans le jeu :Psamathee _Heures de jeu : 2000h+ _Âge : 23 _Quelques mots sur vous : Je suis un gros farmeur surtout en période d'évent, je suis un garçon très timide et qui parle peut temps que je suis pas à l'aise avec la personne _Avez-vous Discord (pas obligatoire, mais fortement recommandé) ? : Oui _ Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? : Tout clean _Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? : Farm et collection, j'aimerais aussi commencer le PvP bientôt _Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? : -J'ai un bon esprit de groupe tout simplement :v Arizgateaux
  3. NAME CHANGE Username : Phime New Username : Psamathee Server to charge money from : Silver SERVER TRANSFER Username : Phime Server to charge money from : Silver Main server to transfer server : Silver to Gold
  4. Hello, i released my Valentine budewby mistake, but got this bug about the id, would like to know if i could get it back even if the id was bugged during the release..
  5. Hope I win :D If I win the one who win my giveaway will get it xD <3 you akalli
  6. MEMBER CATEGORY Smartest: cames Friendliest: cyber54 Funniest: cyber54 Coolest: cyber54 Comeback Player of the Year: wipesbild Most Talkative: goldmariechen Most Trustworthy: darkhaenchen Most Helpful: siver Most Missed: Mahatmahans Most Influential: Most Intriguing: STAFF CATEGORY Best staff in my opinion are Shamac and Shaui <3
  7. [glow=green]Like said above i will quit pro I had lots of fun and friends here but i need to focus on other stuff for the moment. [/glow] To celebrate the good time i had i want to give away all my stuff including - aprox 80 level 100 pokemon - aprox 70 shiny pokemon from comon to tier 9 - like 6m in cash - 30 casino coins - 20 different clothes and mounts - 2 accounts with all regions played - bms / ms if you want to win smth just post down here your favourit pokemon / why you want to win / what you wish for chrismas [glow=red] Props gehen raus an dieser Stelle an alle mit denen ich Spaß hatte vor allem an die boyz Cyber54 Darkhaenchen Mahatmahans Mephi and my friends from Choas [/glow] I just was told there is a "most missed player" in pro award section ... i swear i havent seen before i made this post lel :devil: [glow=black]End will be on chrismas so the winner got a juicy present [/glow]
  8. Only for you I pm you tomorow
  9. Bumping
  10. Bumperino
  11. Re: Seeling Shiny Swinub / Buizel / Gastly <t>I start buizel 200k</t>
  12. Sry for late response Gorebyss 3M Roserade 6m
  13. Re: S Marowak <t>Do i win or this auction never win or smth ??</t>
  14. Re: S Marowak <t>Start</t>
  15. :boot: up
  16. Buuuumb
  17. Bumperino
  18. blaziken sold
  19. dusclops sold shiny alakazam sold
  20. @timtam im online in like 2 Hours @president yes it's hp Fire and Price is 3.5m
  21. Venusaur bold sold
  22. tyranitar jolly sold
  23. 400k alakazam 800k pika
  24. dusclops sold ingame already sry i take it out as soon as i traded it
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