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Everything posted by Intoccabil3

  1. Are you still selling? I’d like Gliscor
  2. Rented 5 fire pokémons to deal with the fire sage in the legendary birds quest. XanthinaRose was incredibly nice to me, gave me some tips and even came to Shamouti to deliver a shadow tag pokémon since I had forgot to bring one. 10/10 super kind and helpful!
  3. Yeah you’re right, I am sorry. Nevertheless people clearly misinterpreted the post after reading only the two options in the poll and voted without knowing what they were doing. It’s evident that they did since so many referred to META and stuff like that, so they voted for an option instead of the other, which in my opinion kind of makes this poll irrelevant, since even if only 15~ people voted differently the results wouldn’t be what they are now. The way you changed the options adding “NOT META RELATED” is good but it doesn’t change the votes that already have been cast. Then again it’s just my opinion and I do get making a new poll would be a hassle... I just feel like if this is how voting on stuff is handled I really wouldn’t want anyone that isn’t part of the staff voting on more important stuff and game decisions, but oh well
  4. It's great you removed the META related comments, but the people who wrote them clearly voted for the "case by case decision" option without even understanding what they were voting for. Doesn't that kind of invalidate this poll? I think you should make a new one with a clearer sentence than "Ban everything, ban every combination that is not valid in a Gen7 OU Showdown team" since "valid" is a very wide term and I think that's at least a part of what led to this confusion...
  5. That’s exactly what I’ve been trying to say, yet people keep saying “PRO should have a unique meta” and stuff, this is hopeless. Also how would the META be more diverse if the ones who are succeeding in this META are those who decide the changes? They have all the reasons to leave things as they are and none to actually give a proper opinion... It’s just a bad idea in my opinion and the fact that all those who supported it but one person based their arguments on META and tiers only further proves my point: people shouldn’t vote. The community clearly isn’t mature enough to read a short post and then cast a vote having all the information, how do you expect it to actually balance a game with so many variables? And all those who mention uncoded and broken stuff, the devs are working on it, sooner or later we’ll have everything Lastly, you might say this isn’t Pokémon, yet the game is literally named “Pokémon” Revolution Online I know it’s always fun to live in a world where the players make the balance calls, he’ll I’ve been in the LoL community since season 1, but the truth is making this kind of calls is hard and it has nothing to do with PvP success. The best game analysts are almost never the more successful players, and that’s true in every game.
  6. I completely get what you say, but once again this isn’t a post about the OU metagame but about banning illegal combinations. The two things are separate issues that should be dealt with individually. Even if you voted “Good players get to vote” the Klefki issue wouldn’t be tackled as him having dual screens has nothing to do with illegal combinations created only in PRO. I hope you can understand
  7. I feel like you are only considering things in the short distance. First of all many pokes still have to be implemented from the previous generations, and whole regions too. If everything was allowed togheter with the new stuff sure, it’d be a more diverse game, but the new stuff they implement will be designed with the “gone stuff being gone” idea. Maybe things turn out fine with gen 8, but what about in 2/3 gens from now? How many illegal and broken combinations will this bring in time, and how much work will this bring to the deve who already have their hands more than full? This doesn’t mean old stuff has to be erased, no one said that, this is only about “invalid” combinations. Also even if gems were to be substituted by z crystals once they get released, you can still use gems in the rest of the game and not in PvP. It’s not the end of the world
  8. Like Qeight clearly explained, this isn’t about powerful stuff or broken stuff, but rather illegal combinations. You are basing your argument on the strength of some sets, but here the discussion is about if some sets should at all be possible. Having PRO’s own tiers would be the best thing, I agree, but I also think we should stick with the way the people who invented the game and were paid to do so for many generations intended the game to be played, instead of keeping stuff that exists out of a random chance in this particular game. I want to stress that you repeating this stuff about uncoded and too powerful stuff IS NOT what this poll is about. Please read it again carefully
  9. 10/10 shop, fast and efficient service. Tactickle was also very kind 100% guaranteed and recommended!
  10. Wtb dex service, pm me on discord Intoccabile#1305
  11. WELCOME TO MY BOSS SERVICE SHOP! Hey guys! I have a team of six pokémons (some are from Hoenn so you do need to be Hoenn champion) that can take on every boss in the game (bosses that use 6 pokémons, not Munchlax Resort etc). The cost is 100k for a 24h lend. But wait, there's more! If you rent the team four times, the fifth one is free! You will definitely need at least 4 leftovers and 1 lagging tail or 1 macho brace, but there are details on how to get those items in the guide I will link to you once you pay me. The guide gives a step-by-step, move-by-move procedure on how to beat every single boss, so there's no room for mistake! I can also lend you whatever prerequisite pokémons you might need for some bosses (e.g. Pikachu for Jessie and James) for 30k more than the price you would normally pay IMPORTANT NOTE: please do not contact me if you only want to know the team, I won't give details. If you want to know the moves, rent the team. Feel free to contact me in game, on the forums and on discord: IGN: Intoccabil3 DISCORD: Intoccabil3#1305 See you!
  12. Hey man! I’d like you to lvl train two pokes, pm me on discord Intoccabil3#1305
  13. Wtb this one, pm me on discord Intoccabil3#1305
  14. I want a high attack adamant Axew with trash IVs in the other stats for a cheap price. Pm me on discord Intoccabil3#1305
  15. Yeah but that page says it won’t work if I have caught data so you know maybe it is outdated Anyway all my questions were answered thanks
  16. Thanks! Last question: if I lose to boss Nikola, I can wait for the cooldown and then try again without losing the legendary I am missing due to being defeated by Nikola right? Also the post you linked says it doesn’t work if I have the caught data...
  17. Ok great, thanks to you both. Does he give me time to go grab a sync poke and false swiper? Is the “risk” void if I use a masterball since it’s 100% catch rate? Is it once for each legendary or once for all legendaries? (Guess the first one but I am not sure)
  18. I am not sure if this is the appropriate section, but what happens if I free a legendary from my computer? Does Nikola reward it or does he only do so for legendaries that you defeat in the wild instead of capturing them?
  19. Ah, I saw some videos where they used to be able to do that and even in the legendary megathread the image showing the caught Celebi has something about that written on it. Thanks anyways! You were very helpful! Edit: I checked the legendary megathread, the reset IV thing is a whole different thing from rerolling, something I guess only mods and staff can do ^^ Damn, that’s a pity... Once again thank you!
  20. Start Edit: I guess the like means auction has officially started and ends 30/06 at 18:00 GMT+2
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