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Everything posted by Silver

  1. i'll start for 500k since you have no offers
  2. Is this an auction or are do you have an instant price? also if its an auction for how long is it.
  3. I've had pretty good luck with it myself.
  4. updated with new shinies and removed sold ones. more to come.
  5. What are you asking for exactly
  6. We'll talk
  7. No thanks
  8. I'll start you out at 250k since you had no offers as of yet.
  9. added shiny rhyhorn.
  10. Shiny armaldo sold in game.
  11. 410k on mareep
  12. 370k for shiny mareep
  13. 220k on shiny mareep
  14. ill sell the gengar and refuse the offers for the rest. meet me in game
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