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Everything posted by Muneb

  1. Bump
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  3. 2509
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  9. Hi, im muneb from code red I'm one of the leaders in code red . We saw ur application in the forum and we accept you to the guild and try to send us your discord id and we like to invite you there. Have a good day mate .
  10. 3 mil
  11. 2.6
  12. Bump
  13. Hi could you tell me your discord name and tag so I can invite you guild server as well as ingame
  14. Bump recruiting active pvp players we are now top 5 in gold
  15. Good work the art is perfect and according to my liking ty gp for the signature
  16. Good service and fast service 11 pokes in 2 days lvl plus ev fast service highly recommended
  17. OK ty I am new to auction
  18. Iv reroll 700k Nature reroll 350k Cc 400k accept
  19. Since no one offered the auction is now off
  20. That's means I am going ot lose a 31 spd and atk gallade just bcoz of a misclick can't. Get a new one with similiar ivs? Or if this is final thank you for answering my querie
  21. I accidently made my kirlia gardevoir while I was making it gallade
  22. Bump
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