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Everything posted by Veldrin

  1. Auction S.O. 1k Min bid 500k Ends in 72h after the first bid and 15min after the last bid no insta Acceptable as payment: Pokedollars CC - 370k IV Reroll - 680k Nature Reroll 330k start 31/07/2022 7:48 pm and 3/8/2022 7:48pm
  2. @Sisanto123 min rais is 50K so minimum offer is 550k
  3. Auction End 28/07/2022 10:00 a.m. gmt+1 Starting: 300k Minimum raise: 50k insta 2m accept cc(400k), rerol ticket (700k)
  4. yes i can if i'm telling that even the common one doesn't spown in event form
  5. i found in 8 days over 400 scyther, in ìhallowen i farm in zone even with gestly, i encounter a lot of poke, the rate doesen't work for me.
  6. that's insane, is impossible only RNG, they put spawn rate higher then shiny???
  7. hi, my pg is Veldrin Silver Server, i have a strange insane rate of spawn, i do the halloween event, easter event and now the summer, i find in 3 year just 2-3 common event poke. in the same time i found shiny but never event.n is 8 days i am farming soo much withouth find nothing, thi is insane i think there is a problem che you pls check?
  8. risolto in autonomia non so se è possibile annullare il post
  9. Hi, I want to know if is possible enter at snowpoint temple. I read some post where was write no but is really old so maybe it is change?
  10. I try this trick and doesn't work. Play again shady and shade, first turn talonflame fly, flareon miss, talonflame attack, flareon attack talonflame. Naturally second turn died for lagging tail. Or there is something to do before or is not a trick
  11. hi, this trick about fly for talonflame work only on talonflame? because i try it using charizard and if i put lagging tail he fly after the attack of the enemy.
  12. i complete the first part of the quest in both the side (magma and aqua) but doesn't allow to start the second part, is a bug or is not include the vulcane cave in this opening?
  13. Start : 500k Insta :1M Reise min: 50k Auction end 72 hours after first bind
  14. frew hours
  15. Hi, like the title i would like to buy a Relicanth with the ability Sturdy. not important level/iv or natura just the poke with the ability. i pay 100k for one low level with def malus, 50k for others
  16. 100k for gible 4
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