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Everything posted by Unknown007

  1. Can you try to log in game now?
  2. Do not hijack other threads please. I cannot implement the feature you are asking for. The shop menu is not written at script level but at client level; i.e. only dev can work on it, and I don't find it to be something that would list high on the priority list of things to be improved at client/game level.
  3. Saffron Dojo - Boss reward for consecutive wins for Koichi (was giving Pancham despite picking Riolu). Slowpoke Well - Typo which resulted in no rewards if an Electirizer was found fixed. Pinkan Island Scripted and bugs fixed.
  4. Can you log on your account here? If yes, then you should be able to see your email address there.
  5. There is no bug. The NPC never gives you 5 PP Ups. It only sells 1 PP Up at a time for up to 5 PP Ups maximum every 24 hours. Topic locked.
  6. Duplicate of https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=59250 Topic locked.
  7. Topic locked.
  8. Apologies for that. There was indeed a bug, which is now fixed. Unfortunately, we cannot give the items that you were to have obtained if not for the bug. Thank you for the report. *Thread moved to proper area*
  9. Would it be ZeratuShan?
  10. Did you register this account with the same email?
  11. Do not double post please. It is as the other linked thread says; you did not talk to Professor Birch after the fix, so your Hoenn hours will not be correct. Now that you have talked to him, your Hoenn hours will be correctly counted now on. There is nothing that can be done about it. Just accumulate back the hours and you should be able to do things related to Hoeen hours. Closing the thread.
  12. Just to clarify, in case, higher rate = more common
  13. Hi Vithu, I have modified Jane's script so that it should fix your quest if you got disconnected. So, try talking to her and see if you can resume the quest. She will not say anything special, but it should fix your quest where you left it before disconnecting.
  14. Well double check again. You haven't battled a grunt.
  15. There are 15 Pokemon Centers in Hoenn. Open up your map, count how many you visited. From what I can see, you didn't visit at least 1 of them.
  16. You need more hours. I am not allowed to give you the exact value. Locking the thread.
  17. Try fighting all the grunts you can find in New Mauville and then look for the switch.
  18. Yes, in Shaui's post:
  19. Can you post a screenshot of this map further to the right? ^
  20. Not a bug. Max Elixir is a reward within the range of rewards for the total IVs you've got. Closing the topic.
  21. Ok, I would've made it so you didn't have to give any Pokemon to get access, but it's too late now. Locking the topic.
  22. I actually didn't do anything =x But anyway, locking the topic as resolved. If there still is a problem, create another with relevant screenshots :)
  23. -Moved to proper place-
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