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Everything posted by Blitzkriegz

  1. Min increase = 100k Insta 2m Auction ends on 1/17 22:30(gmt+6) Accept cc = 350k
  2. Cant seem to identify the cause. Is it a framework issue?
  3. Im having this error and cant seem to get past it. Can anyone help?
  4. NAME CHANGE Username: Turbos New Username: Blitzer Server to charge the money from: Silver
  5. Ign - Turbos I'm 24 Yes I'm active in discord I'm from Bangladesh Currently at 310+ hrs of playtime and playing pro on a regular basis Hunting, pvp The guild seems like an awesome place to start competitive play and learn from others Favorite mon is bidoof :p Fav animal is the Goat :p
  6. Changing the bgms should provide a different atmosphere during boss battles. Also it would be great if the bgm refreshed after loading new map. For example the bgm changed after getting on my bike, and changed to the route theme after entering the route.
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