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Everything posted by N1ghtmarex

  1. 150k if i win, i buy from purplemiel
  2. Start, if i win i buy from purplemiel
  3. Looking to buy shiny chespin , turtwig, and froakie. (I dont buy neutral) Asking 10m for treecko. I reply the fastest on discord (emiel0998).
  4. I have a swampert shiny that i would like to sell, contact me on discord emiel0998 is my username.
  5. 800k Krax
  6. I raise the offer from @Stormadventure to 1m and 250k.
  7. 600k
  8. Turtwig Chimchar Piplup Oshawott Froakie Chespin I am not interested if the nature is neutral or if it is evolved. Contact me on discord (emiel0998) if u happen to sell one.
  9. Can i start it at 35m?
  10. Android, so i can play PRO outside
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