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Everything posted by Gloryouscrystal

  1. hi, i accidentally released my charizard h.a lvl 100 when i was releasing trash pokes id: 44063118 server: Glod
  2. want to buy 5 pokes male lvl 23 naive buneary of 130k id: (5714151) male lvl 21 jolly buneary of 50k id: (41817331) naughty carvahana of 75k female lvl22 bold feebas 50k male lvl 21 swinub adamant 75k
  3. buy the venusaur
  4. buy the venusaur
  5. in how much the tools
  6. wtb 1st 70k yanmask
  7. no, i think is good because ther are players that make stall time by the way and that is anoying because using that time the match could be shorter and that letyou play more matches in the day
  8. price of: drowzee, ponyta, seedra?
  9. 260k charizard
  10. ingame name = darkgrunt701 server : silver pokemon id = 41103505 i forget to evolve pls can you help me ?
  11. 150k gengar?
  12. buy timid eevee,
  13. username: GloryousCrystal Server: Gold Country/Timezone: México (GMT-5) Good luck to eveyone participating.
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