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Everything posted by Travorisac

  1. When I started this game few years back I didn't really though I will play this for long so I registered with temporary account which it got deleted long ago but now for some reason I am in need for the gmail please help
  2. 1.4m
  3. How much last price of first pawniard
  4. Travorisac Silver I gave my scyther and elekid for lv up till 90 to a guy (drom1) for pink island quest but he did it till 95 I even told him to do till 90but now he can delevel it so please help me I need both Pokemon as 90lv
  5. O W L#5877
  6. Wtb torkal 80k untrained my ign(travorisac) silver
  7. Woof sold already? No insta was there how come it is sold :/
  8. Wtb togekis 250k aero 500k my ignorance travorisac silver
  9. wtb again 96,101,136,A,229,311,327 ign travorisac
  10. Wtb 122 and 315 ign travorisac
  11. Travorisac 275 hours Scyther! 17
  12. Okay thab no problem i got 90% if my things its fine u can resolved the thread thx for the help
  13. The superior nature was was naive or timid it was contray ability with 20+ speed and sp atack
  14. I wilp buy 314,323 my ingame (travorisac)
  15. ###Me1odias - Sat Sep 07 2019 11:46:54 GMT+0000 Given trade objects - travorisac ID: 497 Serperior FORM: 0 Lvl: 100 (Choice Specs) UID: 37216165 I still didn't received my serp and specs
  16. Sure buddy i changed my password now its safe
  17. Hey friend can it be done a bit faster? Because i need to start pvp again and start hunting Pokemons btw password is changed
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