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Everything posted by Hustlebank

  1. Bumping to atleast get a reply from a dev.
  2. well yeah, its broke for everyone. Got pm'd a while back to take a look at the guide and thought I'll fix it despite leaving the game since a lot of people make use of it. But key editing tools were removed such as tables & resizing of pics. Made a suggestion about it: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/159892-stat-panel-tables/ but nobody cares despite being avid users of the guide so the situation can't be helped from my side.
  3. Hey, you are welcome and yes, it's all updated. Bump.
  4. Hey guys, back for a few days. Amidst the recent forum update (which is super awesome & slick) I would like to make a suggestion for two minor inconveniences. 1] Stat Panel Could the OP of the post please have the option to toggle it on or off for everyone that views the post? I've seen shops and guides been thrown out of wack 'cause it squashes the entire post without being of any necessary use. 2] Tables & Resizing pictures This suggestion is mainly for the guide makers which in turn helps the community. Please implement the use of tables and resizing of pictures again, to allow us to arrange information in an orderly fashion. Thanks for your time.
  5. Alrighty, two huge updates to note: Overall Guide & Mega Updates. These updates where during the course of the year [TABLE] [TR] [TH] Updated and moved from SpDef to Def Setup [/TH] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Naero James Letrix [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE] [TR] [TH]Updated and moved from Def to SpDef Setup[/TH] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Pwedie & Diepy [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE] [TR] [TH] Adjusted/Tweaked [/TH] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Neroli - Gengar ends the match on Unaware Clefable instead of cheesing with Chansey Spectify - Gengar uses Curse instead of Destiny Bond Xylos - Whimsicott debuffs first to allow Gliscor to take full advantage of Klefki's Reflect when setting up Koichi - Added Worry Seed for a much more comfortable Baton Pass phase. Toothless - Reduced moves during the Baton Pass phase to a minimum to sweep Lt. Surge - Reduced moves during the Baton Pass phase to a minimum to sweep [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE] [TR] [TH] Newly Added [/TH] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Birch in Def Setup Logan in Def setup Nikola in SpDef Setup [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE] [TR] [TH]Reworked[/TH] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Gingery Jones - Setup moved on to Conkeldurr and reduced moves used during the Baton Pass phase to a minimum to sweep Bugsy - Reworked for Megas Lorelei - Setup moved on to Articuno Suicune Guardian - Setup moved on to Avalugg Ash Westbrook - Setup moved on to Dialga Battle Bot - Setup moved on to Landorus[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Mega Updates [TABLE] [TR] [TH]Still in working order[/TH] [/TR] [TR] [TD] Def Setup Kanto: Koichi - Mega Gallade Xylos - Mega Mewtwo Y Brock - Mega Aerodactyle Jenny - Mega Blastoise Shary - Mega Latias Shaui - Mega Alakazam Johto: Bruno - Mega Steelix Lance - Mega Garchomp Thor - Mega Tyranitar Hoenn: Tigerous - Mega Salamance Morty - Mega Gengar Toothless - Mega Garchomp & Metagross George - Mega Lucario Sinnoh: Medusa - Mega Garchomp Spectify - Mega Salamence Letrix - Mega Tyranitar Logan - Mega Tyranitar Saphirr - Mega Garchomp ________________________________ SpDef Setup Kanto: Terminator - Mega Latios Prof. Oak - Mega Charizard X Shamac - Mega Swampert Johto: Prof. Elm - Mega Tyranitar Neroli - Mega Diancie Pwedie - Mega Latios Diepy - Mega Diancie Lorelei - Mega Slowbro [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE] [TR] [TH]Reworked[/TH] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Bugsy - Mega Heracross: Bugsy's line up was reverted to it's previous squad which turned out to work in our benefit. Scizor is much easier to deal with than Scyther. Misty - Mega Gyarados: Mold Breaker Gyara raised all kinds of hell. The whole setup has been moved on Cradily due to her first three pokés utilizing ice attacks. Steven - Mega Metagross: With Metagross ability being Tough Claws in it's Mega form, we can actually debuff it fully now. Eldir - Mega Slowbro: Saw this problem coming from a mile way. Even though Cloyster doesn't get the job fully done due to Slowbro's raised defence's, it still does 80% of the work. Then Gengar swoops in and puts an end to Mega Slowbro and Zekrom. Maribela - Mega Gallade: Used to be a walk in the park, but now the entire setup has been moved on to Sylveon.[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] I hope this guide will bring y'all many, many, many mill$$$ to enjoy. And with that said, this is farewell:SquirtleSquad:.
  6. First, marriage was proposed to the game and now its lawyers? I reckon we're on a fast track to having a magistrate court suggested and then divorce attorneys.
  7. You actually helped the newbies and the vets of PRO a lot more than some of the past staff members did. Which stands to be argued, why didn't they give you a shot? It was clearly earned by the work you put in, to which everyone can vouch for. Nevertheless, I wish you well in all of your endeavors and hope you get the recognition you deserve in anything else you commit to. Good luck bro.
  8. Sold ingame. Close.
  9. @Bhimoso huge fan of your guides. Contributor role is imminent.
  10. hey, I'll purchase the relaxed ferroseed.
  11. Then state a price and stop wasting everyone's time.
  12. Insta added. Ends in 24 hours.
  13. Noted. Ends in 61 hours.
  14. 3 hours left. Order done. 30 dex pokes sold,
  15. Shop closes in 4 hours and 30mins. Orders Ready. Sold:
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