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Everything posted by Ankitraj

  1. Gl bro
  2. Yea @supertrainers Showed me his cottone with h.p ice
  3. I think atleast 30 seconds should be given 15 seconds are very less
  4. Nice shop bro ,gl !
  5. Hello i got dc while in a battle in heatran quest my gyardos got 60+ lvl and i can't enter it again . if my gyardos would be deleveled to lvl 60 i will be very thankful In game name : ankitraj Server : gold
  6. Hello I did evpintrainin That gyardos costed me a good price buying and doing it's ev and now it's a lvl 69 gayrdos which is very hard to lvl up . I did the quest one more time with an another gyardos time and got dc while in a battle and now again i can't do it again taking an magikarp ev and do it again
  7. I was in a battle of the heatran quest and i got suddenly dissconected and i can't re enter the cave with that poke again because it gone 60+ lvl . Pls help me
  8. Username: ankitraj Server : gold Country : India ( GMT + 5:30 )
  9. Helo
  10. I lost my lvl 100 volcorna it was of johto region . Pls help me
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