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Everything posted by Maisa

  1. Hi @Shkurt Sorry for the inconvenience. Are you still experiencing this issue? If so, can you please tell me which boss you're having trouble with? Can you also please screenshot the dialogue of the NPC that is blocking your progress. Looking forward to your reply.
  2. Welcome to PRO. @Daddyj1583 I hope you enjoy the game. If you have any questions, always feel free to ask here on the forums or on our Official PRO Discord Server to keep up-to-date with new updates and content. Here are some sub-forums that might be helpful for you. Check them out. Game Rules: The rules that include trading, and in-game chat can be found here. Make sure to give them a quick read. Player Zone: You can find anything from guilds, suggestions, and general game talk here. It's best if you go ahead and explore yourself though. Trade Zone: You can advertise, sell, and buy pokemon here. Good luck and have fun!
  3. Hi @Permaa I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Try dropping down from this ledge: I hope that was helpful, please let me know if you have other questions or need any help. Looking forward to your reply.
  4. No problem. I'll be locking this thread now since the question has been answered. Please feel free to create a new one if you have any further doubts or questions. Have a lovely day!
  5. Hello @Anvo1409 Sorry, what exactly is your question? If you are asking about a Baby XD001 suspect test, it has already been done last year, and was concluded on 3/12/2022, as you can see here: The results stated that Baby XD001 will be banned for ranked PvP. Hope that helped answer your question, please let me know if it didn't. Looking forward to your reply.
  6. Hi old friend, You're right, PRO is an amazing Pokemon mmo game. I have been really enjoying playing the game, and I hope you have been too. Anyways, feel free to join our Official PRO Discord Server if you haven't already for news and updates. Welcome and have fun. See you in-game. Regards, Maisa (Best way I thought to reply)
  7. Welcome @3lh0y Hope you enjoy PRO.
  8. Hi @Esteveslol I'm sorry for the inconvenience. It seems that you bought 12 Hyper Potions from Johto's Indigo Plateau's Pokemart on the 22nd, and sold 3 Hyper Potions to the Item Buyer at Goldenrod Mart 1, which can be seen here, -3 being that an NPC has taken the item: I assume you had used 9 Hyper Potions and sold the leftover to the Item buyer. Can you please confirm this for me? Looking forward to your reply.
  9. Hi @Addiplayz, welcome back. I'm glad you chose to play PRO again. I hope you enjoy your time here. If you have any questions, you're always free to ask here on the forums or on our Official PRO Discord Server to keep up-to-date with new updates and content. Here are some useful sub-forums that might be helpful for you. Check them out. Game Rules: The rules that include trading, and in-game chat can be found here. Make sure to give them a quick read. Player Zone: You can find anything from guilds, suggestions, and general game talk here. It's best if you go ahead and explore yourself though. Trade Zone: You can advertise, sell, and buy pokemon here. Also, after checking, it seems you were playing on the Red server under the name Addison. The Red and Blue servers have merged and became Silver, and Yellow is now the Gold server. If you haven't merged already, you can do so via the Dashboard. Make sure to select Red as your main server. More info on merging in our Merge FAQ. Good luck and have fun!
  10. Hi @Avanox2 That is an impressive story. I'm happy you decided to come back to the game and even happier you and your friend were able to enjoy it again. I definitely appreciate the effort in helping others. Keep it up and keep on being entertained with PRO. Thanks!
  11. Hi there @Adricor7 Sorry for the inconvenience. Can you please tell me what happened before this? How did you enter the area? Are you re-entering, meaning is this your 2nd time in the Dark Realm? Was there anything weird that happened? Looking forward to your reply.
  12. Welcome back @Technovortex. I hope you enjoy your time here. If you have any questions, feel free to ask here on the forums or on our Official PRO Discord Server to keep up-to-date with new updates and content. Additionally, here are some sub-forums that might be helpful for you. Check them out. Game Rules: The rules that include trading, and in-game chat can be found here. Make sure to give them a quick read. Player Zone: You can find anything from guilds, suggestions, and general game talk here. It's best if you go ahead and explore yourself though. Trade Zone: You can advertise, sell, and buy pokemon here. Have fun on your climb and have a lovely day!
  13. Glad I could help. Since the issue has heen solved, i'll be locking this thread now. Feel free to make a new one if you have any other issues or questions. Have a nice day!
  14. I appreciate that. Thank you for taking the time to report this bug. Not to cast any doubt, but unfortunately it seems like this particular case isn't a bug, however we will keep an eye out on stuff like this in case it happens again in the future. I'll be locking this thread now, if you run into any other issues, please feel free to create a new thread. Once again thanks and have a great day.
  15. Hi @Uchihaxmadara Sorry for the inconvenience. Spirit-seer Esmeralda only gives players the locked IV Reroll if the player defeats the Dark Realm without failing. Failing means getting a game over and exiting the Dark Realm. Did you leave the Dark Realm? Looking forward to your reply.
  16. Hello @0fatboy0 I'm sorry for the inconvenience. The NPC, Spirit-seer Esmeralda gives players the locked IV Reroll only if the player manages to defeat the Dark Realm without failing. In this case, failing would mean getting a game over and leaving the Dark Realm. Did you leave the Dark Realm at any point? Looking forward to your reply.
  17. Hi @Xxxboom I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunately after having checked your account, Boomchan on Gold, it seems that I could not find any Drapion at all in your PC, however it seems that you've released a lv 41 Timid Drapion with the ability Keen Eye, caught on the 3rd of October. As for the Quick Claw item, there appears to be one in your bag, and the released Drapion was not holding the item. I hope I was able to help you. Please let me know if you have any other issues or questions. Have a great day.
  18. Hello everyone, I made another poll, and this time it's to see which of the starters everyone likes the most. There will be 3 categories; fire, water and grass. Everyone will have a chance to submit 1 starter in each category. If I were to vote, it would be like so: Fire: Scorbunny Water: Mudkip Grass: Rowlett Template: Pikachu and Eevee are not included. Only vote for gen 1-8 starters. Poll will last for one week, results will be posted shortly after. One Pokemon per type. Try not to vote with multiple accounts, 1 player 1 submission. Posts in this thread that are not votes will be deleted. Please only post votes. Have fun!
  19. Hi there @Loaacker Sorry for the inconvenience. I can confirm that there is nothing wrong with the spawn. Are you sure you were hunting at the right area and/or right time? Looking forward to your reply.
  20. Thank you everyone for submitting your votes! The results are in and before I share them, I just want to remind you that this poll was made simply for fun. That's all. Here are the top 10: Let me know if you'd like more polls similar to this one. Results in full here. Greninja animated sprite here.
  21. Hi @Alexitof I apologize for the delay. That is indeed not a bug. You can move a boulder that will block the line of sight from that NPC, allowing you to pass without the need of battling them. Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding the race.
  22. Resolved and locked thanks to smash76.
  23. Hi @Reload322 Sorry for the delay. I can offer to unmerge your account, however it seems that you've transferred to Gold recently, making me unable to do the unmerge. Would you still like to unmerge? Also, please do not trade, as trading will mess up the unmerge. Looking forward to your reply.
  24. I'm glad to hear that. Since you were able to catch one of the Lake trios, I'll be locking this thread now. If any further issues arise, feel free to create a new thread. Thanks for your patience and have a nice day!
  25. Pelipper do not have the ability Rain Dish. You need one with Drizzle. Only Hydration Wingull evolve into Pelippers with Drizzle. It's not possible for Wingulls to have have Drizzle until ones with Hydration evolve.
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