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Everything posted by Maisa

  1. Hi there @MudkipCool If you're still having trouble with the quest, perhaps you would want to check this guide out made by Waleed1301, here. Basically there is a set path you need to take in order to walk past the rangers in the first part of the cloud section. After reaching the second part of the cloud section, indicated by the dialogue you get that states that the clouds are weak, you need to reach the end in a certain time frame without getting caught. I hope that helped you. Good luck!
  2. Awesome, I'm glad to hear that. Since the issue has been solved, I'll be locking this thread now. Feel free to make another one if you experience any other bugs or problems. Thanks for your patience and have a wonderful day!
  3. Hi there @Clashking I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Can you please try interacting with the Mantine. It should take you to a Pokecenter, and your Pokemon should be in the PC. Please let me know if it worked for you. Looking forward to your reply.
  4. Hi. I'm glad to see the issue has been solved. I'll be locking this thread now since it the issue's been resolved. If you run into any further issues, please feel free to make a new thread. Also check the Legendary Pokemon Megathread if you need help with the quest. Good luck catching Celebi and have a wonderful day!
  5. Hi, I'm sorry about that. Can you please try again one more time?
  6. Hi there @Sixpyk I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I've forwarded the issue to the Content Scripter team and the issue should now be fixed. Can you please check for me if the NPCs are at their spots. Looking forward to your reply.
  7. Hello @Pireli25 I deeply apologize for the inconvenience. I understand your frustration, and we are aware of the server stability. Our developers are working hard to find the issue, as it is caused by a bug, not from the server's side. It's highly recommended to avoid ranked matches as of now in order to prevent any further loss. The season however has been extended as was announced in our Official PRO Discord server here: We've also set up a bug bounty in order to find this bug, as can be seen below: Although it's quite unfortunate that the crashes happen this way, we can only hope that this bug can be found and resolved as soon as possible. Once again I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I hope you understand the situation. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let me know. Thanks and have a lovely day!
  8. I'm glad to see the issue has been solved. Since it has, i'll be locking this thread now. Please make a new one if you run into further issues. Thanks for your patience and have a wonderful day!
  9. Hello @Alerte4rth I'm sorry for the inconvenience. The issue has been forwarded to the Content Scripter team and it's been fixed. You should now be able to show the guard any level 100 Dragon-type Pokemon. Please let me know if you were able to get in. Looking forward to your reply.
  10. Hello @Sch1zO92 I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I've tested different interactions with the ability, Thick Fat, and Ice-type moves do indeed ignore the ability. The issue has been forwarded to a developer and will be fixed as soon as possible. Thank you for taking the time to report. Have a wonderful day!
  11. Hi @LadyLilith I assume you're talking about the spawns at Aphrodia Island, correct? If you are, here's a short list of what I would bring for syncs. Keep in mind that these natures are completely my preference. Of course, you don't have to follow my steps, as I am only making a suggestion for you. Good luck with hunting and have fun!
  12. I understand that, this is intended. Whenever you accidentally release or fail to capture a Keldeo, there will be another one at Crystal Cave, with the exact same IVs and nature from which you first encountered it. I've already notified you earlier that the Pokedex's caught data bug (Which is a different issue from the server's stability problem), is known and will be looked into after the server's stability has improved. We can't restore your Keldeo unfortunately. I hope you understand. I'll be locking this thread now. If you have any further issues or feel like this is an unjust outcome, please do create a new thread. Have a wonderful day!
  13. Unfortunately, it's not possible. If you've went ahead and released your old Keldeo, then you will have to recatch the Keldeo that spawns in Crystal Cavern again.
  14. Hi there @pctopgs Welcome to PRO! I'm really glad to hear that you're enjoying the game and want to help with this project. However at this moment, the Content Scripter team are not recruiting. If you haven't already though, feel free to join our Official PRO Discord server to be notified of any future Content Scripter recruitments. One thing to note is that by simply playing the game and socializing with the community, you are helping us, cause without any of that, PRO would be nothing. So thank you for playing and wanting to help.
  15. I do understand this can be frustrating, but unfortunately I can't give you an estimate of when it will be fixed, as anything can happen in-between now and the time it takes to resolve the issue. Do note that our developers, however, are trying their best and working hard in order to solve the issue. To add to this, I would recommend to take it easy on ranked matches right now, as the server can potentially crash at any time. I'm aware that this move is not the same as Secret Sword and has dodgy accuracy, but as an alternative, you can teach your Keldeo the move Focus Blast. The tutor can be found at Veilstone City's Gym. Once again I apologize for the inconvenience. I hope this doesn't discourage you to play and enjoy the Valentine's event though. Have a great day!
  16. Hi there @Shjtcute I apologize for the inconvenience. You are unable to teach your Keldeo the move Secret Sword because you don't have the caught data for it. We are aware of this bug, and will investigate and find an answer for it once the server stability has improved. I will let you know once that has happened in this thread. Hope you understand the situation. Have a wonderful day!
  17. Take care Supertrainers. Good luck on your exams!
  18. I'm glad to hear that. Since the issue has been solved, I'll be locking this thread now. Feel free to make a new one if you run into any other issues. Have a lovely day!
  19. Glad to hear that. I'll be locking this thread now since the issue has been solved. Please do make another one if you experience any further bugs. Thanks for your patience and enjoy the Valentine's event!
  20. Hi there @Rocketeer777 I'm sorry for the caused inconvenience. I've forwarded this issue to the Content Scripter team, and it should now be fixed. Try interacting with Arva once again to see if she says anything different, and if you are able to go to Medusas Island via Sailor Jenny. Looking forward to your reply.
  21. Hi @Petepoke Your Infernape has been restored and should now be in the last slot of your PC. Can you please confirm this for me?
  22. Hello @totoheadfly I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Our servers were most likely not online at the time you tried to login. Are you still unable to login, or were you able to login now? Also, what server do you play on, and around what time did this happen? Looking forward to your reply.
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