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Everything posted by Maisa

  1. It seems there is an issue with the client. I will let our developers know of the problem and hopefully there will be a solution. Can you please try to login the other server and see if it works. Please let me know if you are able to login. I'll keep you updated in the meantime.
  2. Hi @Presageeflower I apologize for the inconvenience. Can you please try to change your password to an alphanumerical one here and see if you are able to login afterwards. Looking forward to your reply.
  3. Unfortunately no. Only Hydration Wingull can evolve into Drizzle Pelippers. Keen Eye Wingulls will only evolve into Keen Eye Pelippers. You need to catch a Wingull with the Hydration ability.
  4. No problem. Please let me know if you were able to catch one of the Lake trio.
  5. Hi @PAKOBATINA Sorry for the inconvenience. I've checked your progress and it seems you have yet to obtain the Adamant Orb. This item will be in the North side of Eterna Forest Cave. Check this guide here if you need help. Please let me know if that worked for you. Looking forward to your reply.
  6. No problem, glad I could help. Now that the issue has been resolved, I'll be locking this thread. If you need further help or run into any bugs, please feel free to create a new thread. Thanks and have a wonderful day!
  7. I've went ahead and teleported you to the center of the PC. Please let me know if you're free or not.
  8. Hi @AceTzy I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Did anything specific happen during the battle? What moves did you use? Did the server crash or was your internet experiencing problems? Also, what device do you use to play PRO? The cooldown would have most likely reset if there was a server crash. Looking forward to your reply.
  9. Hi @Vakin Sorry for the inconvenience. Can you please take a screenshot of the area you are stuck in? If you're talking about trying to get into the gym, it is blocked by an invisible Kecleon. You will need to run to route 120 and meet Steven who will give you a Devon Scope required to reveal the Pokemon and battle it. Please let me know if this helped.
  10. Hi there @Hanjim1990 Sorry for the inconvenience. I'm assuming this is for the Torkoal in the Vulcanic Temple? In that case, you will need a Pokemon with the ability Drizzle. Drizzle is Politoed's hidden ability. When evolving from Poliwhirl, it must have Swift Swim to be able to get the ability you want. An easier alternative to this is a Pelipper, which has Drizzle as it's normal ability. Hydration Wingull evolve into Drizzle Pelipper. I hope this information helped you. Please let me know if you need any more help. Thanks!
  11. Hello @Updater Sorry for the inconvenience. Can you please revisit the locations and screenshot those spots for me please? Looking forward to your reply.
  12. Locked and resolved thanks to @Norex.
  13. Welcome back @TatakaeBaka I'm glad you're back with a new start. If you haven't already, feel free to join our Official PRO Discord server to get the latest news and announcements, or just to hang out with the community. Good luck and have fun!
  14. Welcome @Snorlaxativess Hope you're enjoying the game so far. If you haven't already, feel free to join our Official PRO Discord Server to get the latest announcements on events and updates, or just hang out with the community. Good luck and have fun!
  15. Hi everyone, I made this poll for fun to find out which Pokemon is the most popular amongst the PRO community. Everyone has a chance to submit 3 Pokemon that they like, order will not matter. If I were to submit my votes, it would be like so: - Whimsicott - Comfey - Dragonair Do not vote for the same Pokemon twice. Only the first 898 Pokemon in the National Dex are included. Poll will last for one week, results will be posted shortly after. Try not to vote with multiple accounts, 1 player 1 submission. Posts in this thread that are not votes will be deleted. Please only post votes. Pokemon with alternate forms will not be listed differently. Ninetales-Alola, Ponyta-Galar, Thundurus-T/I, Shellos East/West, etc. Have fun!
  16. Hi there @SirChris007 Unfortunately there is no way to review an account's trade history, you can however request for a staff member to check your trade history for a certain Pokemon in the case you forgot where or what happened to it. I hope that answered your question, please let me know if you need to ask anything else.
  17. Hi @ashhki Sorry for the inconvenience. There seems to be a level 33 Adamant Gyarados in your party right now. I couldn't find any other Gyarados that was around level 50-70. You had traded a level 27 Gengar, level 60 Venusaur, level 80 Raichu, and a level 70 Arcanine as well as a level 77 Blastoise along with some other Pokemon in a different transaction to suntsun on the 16th of August, 2020. There was no Charizard at all unfortunately. I hope this helped you.
  18. Locked as resolved.
  19. Hi there @Skyleen62 After finding and defeating all 7 Pokemon scattered around the island, you need to speak to Archaeologist Dalton at Vulcanic Town. He should be the NPC blocking the entrance to the cave, behind the waterfall. Please let me know if that helped you or if you have any further questions.
  20. Was it perhaps Pinkan Island? The only reasonable explanation for this would be if a Pokemon used an item-stealing move such as Thief or Covet. Unfortunately without further information, I can't find where or how your Leftovers disappeared.
  21. Hi @Makinator66 Sorry for the inconvenience. Leftovers do not have a limited use and they can be used in every battle. Did something specific happen during the battle where you lost those Leftovers? What Pokemon were you battling? Which route was it? Were there perhaps any item-stealing moves used by the opponent/wild Pokemon? Looking forward to your reply.
  22. Unfortunately this has been a problem for others as well and our devs have been notified of the issue. They are working on a fix.
  23. Do you by any chance play on a mobile device? If not, what device do use to play PRO?
  24. Hi @Cemoy Sorry for the inconvenience. Bosses have now been reworked in the sense that if anything happens server-wise, such as a crash, you will be able to rechallenge them, as if you never challenged them in the first place. Did anything in particular happen during the battle? Does it only happen while battling Brock, or does it happen on other bosses? Are you certain it wasn't your internet connection? Looking forward to your reply.
  25. Locked as resolved.
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