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Everything posted by Itzronin

  1. Garchomp, event furret and horses. sold. Prices lowered.
  2. Sry messed last time... Azu 355k Gyara 71k dew 71k
  3. 351k azu 61k dew 70k dew
  4. Hp fire snivy, 21+ ivs weavile, ha gible added.
  5. RoNin's Special PokeMart By-ItzRoniN Welcome to My Special Pokémon Shop! Shop Rules: DO NOT make fake offers. DO NOT accept Pokémon trades. Once offered, you CANNOT take it back. DM me if you think any prices are UNFAIR. Just press Ctrl+F to find a specific Poke. Payment Methods: Pokedollars CC = 400K Rare Candy = 7K each Nature Reroll = 350K IV Reroll Ticket = 700K Contact: IGN:- Itzronin Discord:- Itzvik#5875 Shiny Pokemons Pink Pokemons Event Pokemons Thank you for shopping in our Special Pokemart! Visit our main shop too -'' RoNin's PokeMart.''
  6. Timid rotom hp ice 70k
  7. Contrary Snivy sold
  8. Sir/Mam, My ign is itzronin. Edit-bro's ign hunter022 I'm an average player of Pro. (I have given a little backstory not an appeal) I have a little brother he plays pro too in his device. But sometimes I log in my account into his device or vice versa and sometimes we both play using same wifi. I asked in discord about this with lot of people they said to get some help with some mods. And I wanna start pvping and he does it too. But the problem arrises here. I'm kinda think that mod will think this is my alternate account and ban it for breaking rules. Even if don't even battle each other. Cuz last time our both account got banned for this rules. I was playing pro in pc and he on a Android with same wifi, but got banned for using two accounts on a same device for PvP. I can provide CCTV footage of that with time stamps according to your stats. I'm not appealing for unban. I'm just asking that if we would be okay until we don't fight each other or use same network in pvp we won't get banned or is there any risk leading to to any confusion. Or we will be fine until we don't reach ladder.. Please clarify my disbelief please.
  9. Added new event pokes.
  10. Added Garchomp x3, Clefable x1, Ampharos x1, Venusaur (hp fire) x2, Serperior x1.
  11. You can dm in discord. Itzvik#5875 Or in game- itzronin
  12. If you can elaborate a lil... I'd like to know about it a lil more.
  13. Added some new Untrained Pokes >•<
  14. 80k?
  15. RoNin's PokeMart By-ItzRoniN Welcome to My Pokémon Shop! Update:- New pvpable hp fire snivy, Weavile, ha Gible added. Prices lowered drastically. Shop Rules: DO NOT make fake offers. DO NOT accept Pokémon trades. Once offered, you CANNOT take it back. DM me if you think any prices are UNFAIR. Just press Ctrl+F to find a specific Poke. Payment Methods: Pokedollars CC = 400K Rare Candy = 7K each Nature Reroll = 350K IV Reroll Ticket = 700K Contact: IGN:- Itzronin Discord:- Itzvik#5875 Untrained Pokes (20k-50k) Untrained Pokes (50k<) Trained Pokes Boss Team/ Pokes Auction Shiny / Pink / Event Pokes Sold Thank you for shopping in our Pokemart!
  16. Wish list. -Pangoro( ivs doesn't matter ) with Power Trip attack. -Gorebyss ( decent ivs) -Relicanth ( Trash or normal any) with sturdy -Banette ( any) Ign- itzronin Discord- itzvik#5875
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