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Everything posted by Itzronin

  1. Completed Lyn1311's Sinnoh service Forgot to take ss again.
  2. Completed Kanto e4+ johto +Hoenn +Sinnoh +Free Subway
  3. +1 And I think there should be a waiting time too fo people who gets dc cuz of a crash or Network error or server errors, etc legit causes in which people can reconnect and continue with there battle. This will neither effect on there battle or there game experience. People with bad devices or bad internet might suffer alot due to this, so a reconnect timer like of 15 seconds or 25 seconds might help alot. If anything wrong about my suggestion, or is it already something like that or even if this is a bad idea please lemme know ☺
  4. Half hoenn and sinnoh service done....
  5. All four region + Free subway and teleport + Halloween part 1 and darkrai quest done
  6. Kanto+ Johto+ Hoenn Story service done... + Free subway
  7. Buddy I lend them not sell them.... If you want to lend em dm me here Itzvik#5875
  8. Done all region+ subway and teleport question.
  9. Guild mate's Kyurem question done....! Forgot to take ss 180k
  10. Hii me new too, just born
  11. Added Manectric mega stone service
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