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Everything posted by Itzronin

  1. 123456
  2. 56789 poke$
  3. Edit :- Sry I'll fix all write every name in a few
  4. I'm at my limits..... 301k
  5. 169k going too far but I don't wanna lose last min
  6. 20k forgot to refresh Edit :- 110k
  7. 110k weavile, 60k ursaring and glalie, staraptor 40k, plusle 60k, miniun 30k, pikachu 30k, dedenne 160k
  8. Raise 10k to all... And yes if would be great if you keep updating the current bid of each Pokemon, ofcourse when you get time. So it would be easy to bid and avoid misunderstandings.. Thank you
  9. I'm really sorry for the late. But the auction has already ended when the timer reached zero and @Wakaranaii you have won the auction. Just lemme know when you can receive your Pokemon. OR you can just discord my at Discord :- itzvikash Congratulations
  10. 5% extra discount if bought above 200k worth of Poke$ or you're a Evocation Guild member. Halloween Rapidash Mount :- Sold Glaceon Mount :- 150k Lapras Mount :- Sold Dustox Wings :- 40k Pumpkin Hat :- 40k each Summer Clothes :- Sold Weakness Policy :- 0.5k each Life Orb :- 45k each ( 4 Left ) Macho Brace :- 35k each ( 2 Left ) Pansy Flower :- 30k Samurai Helmet :- Sold Samurai Clothes Blue :- 50k Accepted Payments:- Rare Candy :- 6k each Capsule Coins :- 350k each Contact:- My IGN :- ItzRonin Discord :- itzvikash Or you can drop a comment here...
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