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Everything posted by Fetxize

  1. uptade i add garchomp and staraptor
  2. up ferrothorn sold
  3. no, pm me i'm availible
  4. UP Gyarados Arcanine Alakazam Eelektross are sold and i add one staraptor
  5. hi, can you pm me when you're availible ? my discord is medakasse
  6. hi, can you pm me when you're availible ? my discord is medakasse
  7. hi, can you pm me when you're availible ? my discord is medakasse
  8. hi, can you pm me when you're availible ? my discord is medakasse
  9. i sell : 1m 300k
  10. Hi i only accept pokedollar s.o 1m insta 10m 24hours(french time) 15h friday in french time
  11. ◎ What is your name? (in the game) fetxize ◎ How many hours have you played? (playing PRO) 2000hours ◎ What's your favorite shiny pokemon? charizard ◎ What do you like to do at PRO? (Pve, PvP, Hunts, Dungeons, Services etc) PvE, PvP and Hunt
  12. 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? fetxize 2. Number of hours played? 2000hours 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? dragonite 4. What country are you from? french 5. How old are you? 22years 6. When's your Birthday? (Optional) 9 april 2002
  13. Fetxize

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. What's your Player name (IGN)? fetxize 2. Number of hours played? 2000hours 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? dragonite 4. What do you enjoy doing the most in PRO? (Hunting, Dungeons, PvP, trading, etc) Hunting, Pvp and PvE 5. How long have you been playing Pokemon? (Optional) 5 years 6. Favorite ice cream flavor. (Optional) vanilla strawberry
  14. hum i can't add you too
  15. it's a beug can I have your discord?
  16. 1-) What is your nickname in the game? fetxize 2-) What is your personal name? Valentin 3-) How old are you? 21 year old 4-) What is your total time in the game? 2100h 5-) What do you like to do in the game? farm and pvp/pve 6-) What's your discord? (Username) medaka 7-) What is your favorite pokemon? ( Optional) eelektross
  17. hi, i want to lend your ferrothorn
  18. 1. Screenshot of your trainer card: 2. Favorite Pokemon: Charizard 3. Age: 20years 4. Goals in PRO: Play PvP with some fun 5. Reason for joining Syndicate: i want to do in this guild for the bonus and because i want to learn PvP with good player
  19. What is your IGN? fetxize What is your discord? Mao-Mao#8684 Tell us a little about yourself. my name is Valentin and i have 20years How many hours do you currently have? 1700hours Do you know any existing members? No Have you been in a guild before? If so, which one(s)? Yes, Code Red What are your expectations for this guild? for been trashtalk What You are looking for from the guild? Learn Pvp and play with other player fun What other games do you play online? i only play in pro What is your favorite pokemon and what made them stick out to you? my favorite pokémon is charizard because i discovery them is the first film In your own words, please describe why you need to be recruited into this guild. I want to in this guild for the bonus and because i want to learn Pvp with good player If you're interested in PvP what is your favorite Archetype to use (Ex. HO, Balance, Stall, Weather, etc)? my favorite archetype is Balance
  20. @xain0708 you win 150k tyra, 150k clef @Warherro you win 200k lucario pm me
  21. i not accept CC and other item c.o 150k by xain0708 2day left min bid 50k insta 500k s.o 100k 2day left min bid 50k insta 1m5 s.o 150k by xain0708 2day left min bid 50k insta 2m s.o 100k 2day left min bid 50k insta 500k c.o 100k xain0708 2day left min bid 50k insta 1m
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