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Everything posted by Bash

  1. You went in with the wrong mind set. You shouldnt expect to find an event shuckle, the chances are to low. Once you are aware of that, you can decide if you want to try it or not and cant blame anyone. Other than that I agree, the spawn doesnt look to appealing. - Reading Kvar saying that Umbreon is an *amazing PvP Pokemon* is funny.
  2. Player name: Bash Sd name: Bashspieltstall Server: Silver Rank on ladder: 17 Timezone: CET + 0
  3. Vote (BAN or UNBAN): bAn Account name: Bash Server (Silver or Gold): Silver
  4. No winner yet? :harold:
  5. Oh wow. lmao Can you check how many badges you have? *Maybe* its a merge issue. But you need help from staff the one way or another. They will answer you here once they can.
  6. Who won?
  7. Cool. Let me know when you are online. I try to look here time by time and match it. You can also pm me on discord if you have that. Bash#7441
  8. It looks like you already have it. Check if you can enter the Ship in Vermilion. If you cant enter, you need help from staff.
  9. Imo the dungeon was very great. It was something new, something you had to do with multiple persons which increases the fun factor and it wasnt to hard or to easy. Also it didnt got destroyed by some random rng stuff, where you could think its just made to heck up people. Also the second part, the solo dungeon, was very nice. Those riddles were most of the time really fun, and it is to highlight that the conzept of those riddles was not to be as time consuming and annoing as possible - they werent annoing in such a way that you felt bored because you know you have to figure out stuff by brute force for example. You were able to figure out how to progress in a good way. You were also able to dodge many fights, you saw the changes on the switch puzzle directly, you could observe those lasers with save spots where you would be unharmed. Thats good design. The old maps were to most part pretty counterproductive. It was way to big. If you dont know those maps, you literly have no idea where to go and what to reach where. I mean, those are 2 (or even 3?) event maps and all are huge. Especially because we have no map to navigate. As well I thought I could do a quest on the old maps because a npc asked for help. Later I had to figure out I have already done the quest... I couldnt really see if I had to do anything or if everything is done. Everything that was new was cool. Especially because it didnt felt like the creator(s) is a sadist and wants to annoy you as much as possible. The old stuff was just to big since you could literly do nothing besides hunting, 1 boss and a exca. It didnt felt much like a christmas event, but I still go out with a positive thought.
  10. Bash

    Game crashes

    Got my answere here for ppl with the same problem: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/191421-with-the-latest-update-my-game-started-to-freeze-frequently/ He says it should be fixed soon
  11. No, I think he went mad and canceled this :harold:
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