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Everything posted by Bash

  1. rejected. Feel free to offer again a less or higher amount
  2. Much better now. Just alone for everyone that play's story. Imagine not evolving your Pokémon to gain much more exp, lol. I liked the CC leveling much more too, not everything can be perfect.
  3. offers only via discord: Bash._. Its gonna be a trade "outisde of pro"
  4. offers only via discord: Bash._. Its gonna be a trade "outisde of pro" 1 2 3
  5. 5 seperated auctions, startoffer is always 500k, auction lasts 72 hours after first bid, min raise 100k Accept CC 350k Number 1 Number 3 | c.o. 500k sold Number 4 Number 5
  6. Tltr: Give your spawn data Since the spawn system got changed from 9 to 3 tiers it is not possible anymore to really estimate spawn percentages in a more accurate way sadly. (Even before there were tiers between tiers, but a rough estimate would have been generally possible) However, many people do hunt with Better farm for example or use repels on repel spawns. If we could collect all this data, we could actually estimate and understand spawns much better. Perhaps we could find the best or worst spawns. This may be a flop, but I thought its worth a try anyway - to ask for everyones data. If you are willing to share your data, maybe this can pop off. Pros: If we get enough data we may have solid data for spawns We can find out the form odds more accurate We maybe can find out which spawn is better than another Cons: Spawns may get updated and new data would be needed What to 'submit' Repel spawns: Look how many repels you have before you start hunting, and look how many you have after you went hunting plus count the Pokémon you encountered. With that we can not estimate the percentage chance of finding a Pokemon but we can look how many steps it takes. PRO better farm: Or similar tools. They count your Pokemon on your spawn and already calculate the spawning percentage. However, if we could collect the data of more people, we would have more accurate data and for more different spawns. All the data that the hunting tool gives, would be nice to be posted. It also counts the form Pokemon I think. Repel Eevee on Safari Area 3
  7. No
  8. start
  9. I also forgot to bump ... :((( BUMP
  10. UP!!!
  11. Im very hyped for halloween as I except some new content after the summer event had no new content and also I like many of the announced Halloween forms. I dont really have a fav Hallo form, but generally I like the halloween form the most I think. I think its ok that there are so many forms. But in the future, when more new forms get added, a new system should be introduced that you maybe can aim at specific forms and youre not mad that you get the right poke but the wrong form. Dragonite and evos could need a new form as its a very cool and popular poke and only has a (back in the days good) boring form. Mawvile could need a nice form, its a perfect mon for some epic aggressive looking form. Furret ofc. cuz cute. Mew! Alola Ninetales. I liked the current reqorked Rayquaza mount, I wish I had some (Someone took at away from me, I wonder who). I dont really like the Eeveelutions mounts tbh. even tho I like the Pokémon much. A rework would be epic.
  12. I think this should be bumped. Bump!!!1! Lets bump this more guys.
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