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About Zroade

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  1. Ok. Thanks for letting me know Have a nice day
  2. How to delete Pro accounts as I need to delete my 2 accounts from Pro
  3. If yu listin here then i suppose you need to give roles while creating team two ghost types doesn't really fit together as well you only have 1 attacker and 1 sp.attacker and the rest of the team is wall your team (expect hippodown and garchomp) can easily be taken down by a alolen muk! As I see you can take gastrodon insted jellicent and or rotom wash. Next hippodown and garchomp since you already have clef and skarmory you might replace hippodown with any sweeper and if you are making a mega garchomp team then replace clef or skarmory instead of hippodown to a sweeper since mega garchomp has sand force ability you can take tyrantar or hippodown but then you might as well switch to a sand team. Here's a sand team for getting you started! Hippowdown @ smooth rock Ability: Sand stearm Evs: Def-252 Sp def- 4 Hp-252 Nature- impish Slack off Earthquake Super power Sleath rock Tyraintar @ idk Nature- idk Ability- sand stearm Dragon dance or slealth rock Earthquake Fire punch Stone edge Mega garchomp @ garchompite Ability- sand force Nature- jolly Sword dance Earth quake Posion jab/ fire fang Dragon claw Stoutland @ choice band Nature jolly Ability- sand rush Thunder fang Super power Play rough Stomping tantrum Excadrill @ choice band/ choice scarf/life orb(if you chose life orb the ability should be sand rush) Ability- sand rush/sand force Nature jolly Earth quake Iron head Rapid spin(you will have to instantly switch also since it will be banded or scarfed/life orb will hold a different story) 4th attack decide on your own! Landrus @ choice Scarf Ability- sand force Nature-naive Earthquake Super power Stone edge H.p ice or whatever you like My honest opinion I would not recommend garchomp since it is greatly outclassed by all othe mega due to its speed stat you can replace garchomp by gastrodon if you need a special defender for your team and take tyraintar for mega if you are taking mega tyraintar then take dragon dance or whatever next is landrus is you don't own it yet then You can take rotom(any form) or glisicor for a defoger role or fill that spot by any pokemon you want and finally about the ""idk"" part on tyraintar its if you chose mega tyraintar then item will be tyraintarite amd ability should be jolly or if you still chose mega garchomp then i really don't know the item or nature Hope it helps(As I don't really know if you might get what i said xd)
  4. Silver server Ign-Zroade Request for de-leveling
  5. Hey there I would like to buy the electrode in trained section
  6. Nice shop
  7. Hello there I would like to buy the impish h.a gible the one on top with price tag 100k
  8. Guys i never said to be able to change attacks while holding choice item it is good and competitive asit is. I ment that if you use earthquake on magneton but the player switchs to Charizard and you then use hydro pump completely unaware of the fact that your pokemon was holding a choice item and then the system automatically says that choice items only allow the uses of one move and then it attacks with previously used move on its own which should not happen it should let player decide weather the player wants to stay in and use the same move and attack or switch to other pokemon and attack. The problem part i want to tell is if by mistakely chose other move then insted of warning the system will attack on its own.
  9. Most of the times during pvp battle we forget that our pokemon is holding choice item and we chose a different move which result in system automatically using the previously used moved and thats why we loose an important part of team! So why not make it like when using a move with pp is fully used then the system says no pp use different move so we either use a different move or switch to other pokemon. It is my suggestion hope to be approved.
  10. Sorry I changed my mind
  11. Username: Zroade Server: Silver Comedy Image "....And the News Flash reports that a player dropped his 5 coin capsules on route 32" Romance Image Wishing You two happy time together ;)
  12. ° I want to join Eternity because...I have been 2 or 3 gulids before but no use because no one there used to talk on chat and Mostly the guild was dead I am here because I read that this guild treats everyone like family and even there are events in discord so yeah it will be interesting enough for me to join the guild. ° Real name - Priyanshu Rai In-game name - Zroade °My country - India The languages I speak - Hindi and English °Discord name; Zroade Tag; 9431 Though I am active on discord but less because I mostly play it on Android so.. °My goal is simple to complete all regions and then start my pop journey. And I wish to be in that tip 25 list °screenshot of my trainer card
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