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Everything posted by Partha69

  1. Wtf? What's this man.....u bid 7.9m then 7.5m
  2. You won.... contact me in game or discord....I'm online for whole day.
  3. @Manbat hii....can you tell the winner of rotom and eevee...my forum time broken.ty
  4. .
  5. Rotom
  6. Eevee started
  7. Bump
  8. Rotom:- S.o:- 100k C.o:-400k by masskiller Min raise:-1k No insta 24h auction after start Eevee:- S.o:-100k C.o:-120k by nagiii Min raise :-1k No insta 24h auction after start Ign:-partha69 discord:-partha69 *Payment:-pokedollars,reroll 530k,cc 380k,rc:-8k each.
  9. Ok fine ig I put a high s.o.....ill reduce it...if interested then bid.
  10. S.o :- 500k C.o:- 1.1m by weaponsx Min raise:-100k 48h auction after start No insta Caught with masterball Payment:- pokedollar ,reroll:-500k Cc:-380k, rc-8k each. Ign:-partha69 Discord:-partha69
  11. Uhmmm...how can this end? It's just 9h ago....and I see 24h time
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