What is your Discord tag? Jiggedy で#8865
How often do you use Discord? Everyday with the squad.
If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? Add Twitch Emotes, lul.
Smartest: Lucurryo
Friendliest: BashFick
Funniest: BashFick
Coolest: Lucurryo
Comeback Player of the Year: hankisboss
Most Talkative: Mjump01
Most Trustworthy: BashFick
Most Helpful: BashFick
Most Missed: Geisterfalke
Most Influential: Lucurryo (he created a lovely guild (family) <3)
Most Intriguing: PreHax
Best GM: St4rlord
Best CC: Xaiyah
Best MOD: Letrix
Best CS: Biaozila
Best Artist: Sirmeowington
Best Mapper: Tiggus
Most Professional Staff: Lucareus
Most Friendly Staff: Shaui
Most Dedicated Staff: Shamac
Most Honorable Former Staff: Chappy
IGN: Jiggedy
Server: Blue
Jiggedy; ''Morty, be ready for my fearsome Gengar!''
Morty; . . . ''Should I be afraid of this shopping list?''
Jiggedy; ''Uh. . oh, wait a second-'' *turns the paper around* ''NOW!''