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Everything posted by Blaggy

  1. 5.5m best offer..30mins left
  2. +1
  3. Hi. Accidentaly released pkmn Gold server IGN: Blaggy1212 Thanks in advance!
  4. Well its already jolteon lvl 100 Cant accept 400k sorry
  5. Ill start with 300k
  6. Search offer 500k Min raise 50k Instant 1.5m Auction ends 24hrs after 1st bid
  7. Best Offer 1.25m by Spooder Minimum raise 50k Instant 2m Auction ends in 6hrs since this is posted
  8. Thank you very much
  9. Also it had 31 IV spd, 25+ ATK, nature Adamant
  10. Released pkmn - Gold server Hi everyone A few hours ago i think i accidentaly released my Larvitar. Dont know anything about it except aprox lvl which was around 55 and that it was a Johto pkmn. Dont have an ID It wasnt my OT Got it by a trade like a week and a half ago and didnt used it also until yesterday. It was locked because of region. If you could check it for me that would be great. If its not enough information i understand Thanks in advance Blaggy1212
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