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Everything posted by Marcot11

  1. @Hohlyeraser @Laviter u both won. pls pm me on discord
  2. Bump
  3. Auction 31/30 Volcarona HP Ground c.o. 1.5m min bid: 100k Auction ends tuesday, 9th january, 0:16 // 12.16am gmt+1 17+ sassy tyranitar tr c.o. 500k min bid: 100k Auction ends tuesday, 9th january, between 0:45 // 12.45 am gmt+1 Hasty h.a. 31/31 Dragonite c.o. 300k sold min bid: 100k Auction ends on monday, 8th january, 23:47 // 11.47pm gmt+1 Calm Umbreon 28/23 b.o. 250k min bid: 50k Auction ends on wednesday, 10th january, 21:37 // 9.37pm gmt+1 no insta only pokedollar Auction ends 48 hours after first bid remember on 15 minutes rule: you have to bid 15 minutes before auction ends or 15 minutes will be added from last bid until nobody bids more. if someone bids more, 15 minutes will be added again and so on you can contact me on dc: MarcoT11#0390 main ingame: marcot11 alt ingame: marco2004 i am doing this auction for ´´HamBii´´, so all pokemon (yeah, the plural is pokemon, not pokemons) are on his account.
  4. yeah, came online 2 minutes ago xD winner is @L0n3walk3r pls pm ´´hambii.´´ on dc
  5. Auction 24+ Volcarona HP Ground c.o. 1.6m min bid: 100k Auction ends monday, 4th december, 16:48 gmt+1 / 4:48pm gmt+1 (time correction) no insta only pokedollar Auction ends 48 hours after first bid remember on 15 minutes rule: you have to bid 15 minutes before auction ends or 15 minutes will be added from last bid until nobody bids more. if someone bids more, 15 minutes will be added again and so on you can contact me on dc: MarcoT11#0390 main ingame: marcot11 alt ingame: marco2004 i am doing this auction for ´´HamBii´´, so all pokemon (yeah, the plural is pokemon, not pokemons) are on his account.
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