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Everything posted by Autobots

  1. What abt the poke which had hypnosis and if u switch out and kill the other poke the exp won't be shared equally or so
  2. It will be good if it will be implemented
  3. The auction will last for 2 days. Sorry for the late reply. I actually sell these for my friend yumeji and the shinies are with her Ok so do i still hav the bo
  4. Hi all. i just want to say that it would be nice if u add a ghost rider bike and ghost rider suit on the next update because there is pretty much all other vechicles in game .so i just felt like saying GL
  5. Thank you...but focus sash isn't compulsory it's just to make sure u don't get killed accidentally.
  6. HI fellows as the topic says here it shows how u can increase your evolved data faster specially for newbies 1.identify the pokes which you need to evolve. 2.try to collect pokes in the order in your pokedex so its easy to evolve. 3.now if u want to evolve a low leveled poke to its final form its actually a bit hard. So keep a high level poke in your team in the first place and now go to someplace where high level pokes appear like dragons den, cerulean cave.now for your high leveled poke keep some status move like flash to decrease the wild pokes accuracy and keep some low damaging moves like rocksmash. and make sure your wild poke has very low hp approx 10-15 hp and give your poke black sludge or flame orb or toxic orb which ever that can reduce your high leveled pokes hp .Now after let your poke die and switch into the poke which u need to evolve give that poke focussash and now as the wild poke attacks mostly its attack misses since you lowered its accuracy with flash and now u can kill it with your low leveled poke (sometimes you may need to try more than 1 time).In a single battle your pokes level increase like a rocket and reaches the required evolution level For example .my high leveled poke was raichu it had rocksmash flash dig headbut .I went to dragons den and i took a lv 6 ducklett with me . I encountered a wild golbat and i had given focus sash to ducklet and flame orb to raichu to reduce its hp.i used rocksmash till golbat's hp reached almost 10-15 hp and i kept using flash to reduce accuracy and let burn kill my raichu . Now i switched on to my ducklet and attacked golbat and killed it .Golbats attacks missed 90% of time sometimes it may hit so give focussash .my duckelt was at lv 6 and it is now at level 37 and evolved to swanna. HOPE THIS WOULD HELP ATLEAST A FEW OF THEM. THANK YOU
  7. looking for good offers looking for bo if i like the offer i select it as bo bo last for 48hrs from first bid https://prntscr.com/g5z9dh gl
  8. Re: WTB epic fight pokes <r><QUOTE author="armaan2110" post_id="422324" time="1501931362" user_id="1533714"><s> </e></QUOTE> Wats ur budget...pm me in game</r>
  9. I accidently ran out of ultrabalss and greatballs and failed to catch genesect will i get one more chance to catch it?
  10. Re: Sell magnezone h.p fire <r><QUOTE author="ROKRA" post_id="418339" time="1501212021" user_id="1042787"><s> </e></QUOTE> So what u say for 200k</r>
  11. Re: Sell magnezone h.p fire <t>200k i ofer</t>
  12. Sold to alcantara010 .... I tried to pm u ystrday but couldn't find u online
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