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Everything posted by Autobots

  1. pokemon-monferno place love island sory i tried to upload pics but there is something went wrong
  2. Vote:yes Reason:makes pvp skill based Current rating :300+
  3. username-autobots server-silver [MEDIA=imgur]wyVhSWg[/MEDIA] timezone-GMT +5.30
  4. username-autobots server-silver TIMEZONE-GMT +5.30
  5. Pm me in game i am interested in the first one
  6. Dude if u r not going to sell it below 1 min.just put 1m starting
  7. was the last day of pvp season . and was at a bit low rating and just boosted all the way up within 3 hours managed to beat most of the epic battlers and got my best rating it was a nice memory Trainer's card [MEDIA=imgur]a/TKalR[/MEDIA]
  8. What is your Discord tag? @OptimusPRime#1321 How often do you use Discord? pretty much everyday If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? it would be awesome if there is weekend events everyweek like guess the pokemon and trivia as done for newyear
  9. gl in ur life ahead i am intrested in a cc
  10. Re: The New Year Fight :D <t>Pro name-autobots<br/> Showdown name-dark_auto</t>
  11. FAVORITE POKE-ARCEUS cause its damn strong why i want to win-cause i am broke -WHAT DO YOU WISH FOR CHRISTMAS?-wish i had a girlfriend WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND AND WHY?-bojack since he is my bro
  12. my favorite poke is arceus cause its strong and i hope i will have a gf this christmas farewell brother gl
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