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Everything posted by Laviter

  1. Minmint offered 400k on forum
  2. Auction will be end at 10:39 AM on Friday (GMT+9)
  3. Trade completed and auction closed
  4. 1.7m ferro
  5. 600k
  6. I think staff should tell users name of program that caused ban. If staff didn't tell the program name, user can think that they have been banned for no reason
  7. 31 spd hp ice 600k
  8. i just throw away manaphy. It is my mistake. I don't know his poke number. Can u return my manaphy?
  9. I disconnected again (chunk )
  10. I was in boss battle (Officer Shamac), then I disconnected when I re-accessed, I was in PC and my successive win was end. I saw Walrosskastanie's announcement I think it is bug. I want to try again boss battle(Officer shamac) and get successive wins ID: laviter server: silver accident time: PM 03:30~04:00 (GMT+9)
  11. Tangela hp?
  12. I disconnected during suspicious bot battle. I think it is caused by server issue because my friends was disconnected too. I want to get back my wins.
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