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Everything posted by Sheyinho

  1. Username: Sheyinho Server: Gold Country/Timezone: belgium / GMT+2
  2. ok thanks ...
  3. i dont want too sell for other poeple , but for npc ITEM BUYER I tried with other pve items and it worked
  4. Hi, i wanted to sell my black panther set to the item buyer but it didnt work. I tried with other pve items and it worked. Is this item is sellable? Thanks for your answer again https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/160517-black-panther-set/?tab=comments#comment-892818
  5. Hi, i wanted to sell my black panther set to the item buyer but it didnt work. I tried with other pve items and it worked. Is this item is sellable? Thanks for your answer again https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/160517-black-panther-set/?tab=comments#comment-892818
  6. Thanks you for your reply
  7. Hi, i wanted to sell my black panther set to the item buyer but it didnt work. I tried with other pve items and it worked. Is this item is sellable? Thanks for your answer
  8. 23hours left gl
  9. min bid 200k
  10. Ok 3.1m for exclusivez 58hours left .
  11. Start by Hingor 72h left started now good luck .
  12. bump i change start bid
  13. Auction Metagross insta by hingor min bid 200k insta 8M I accept cc for 390k and rerol ivs for 700k ends after 72 hours from first b
  14. insta
  15. 1.6m
  16. magnezone hp fire ?
  17. wtb epic breloom jolly , serperior hp fire , and magnezone hp fire pm me thanks
  18. i buy hydreigon 700 k Sheyin#7155
  19. Pseudo dans le jeu : Sheyinho Temps de jeu : 210h Âge : 24 ans Quelques mots sur vous : Je sais délirer et être serieux quand il le faut . Avez-vous Discord (obligatoire) ? : Oui mon discord : Sheyin#7155 Où en êtes-vous dans l'aventure ? : J'ai fini hoen et je vais commencer sinnoh soon . Quels sont vos objectifs dans le jeu (PVP, farm, collection de PKM) ? Je veux être a fond dans le pvp . Pourquoi devrions-nous vous choisir ? je suis encore un novice sur ce jeux , mes je pense pouvoir apprendre assez vite de vous , mon but est d'acquérire de l'exp , et pourquoi pas a mon tour vous apportez quelque chose en ayant progresser .
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