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Everything posted by Mookier

  1. Thank you for help..I get Lucario..~!I appreciate about it.
  2. I would like to evolves into Lucario I try anyway to do that..Even ask for help from DC. But unfortunately, it didn't evolve until level 100, so I came here for help I knowI need leveled up with maximal happiness (255) during daytime and still try to let it faint once and level up again.still not work.
  3. 4M
  4. Start,First bid
  5. 20M for Mimikyu Hope this time GM won‘t be waste my time again.
  6. Hi,Bro,I am online now, see u at verm.
  7. Gold Verm Please wait for me around 2hours. See u at that time Thank you.
  8. 16M
  9. 10M
  10. I was in gold service ..xD...sorry
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