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Everything posted by Anonywish

  1. Leading - Thank you.
  2. Leading - Thank you.
  3. A while back my friend told me an NPC somewhere sells it to trainers without Pikachu as their starter; yet to confirm it myself. Though I acquired it shortly after it's implementation, I do not really ever wear it.. Should it ever become trade-able, PM for it, for free.
  4. Leading - Thank you.
  5. Thank you, both. - 250K leading; Pandattack.
  6. I have been quite busy the past three weeks mostly with birthday stuff; little time for this videogame. However! I have just today downloaded the latest client and now see there is a Yellow server - fantastic (thank you)! But, I seem to still be waiting in quite a long queue for Blue which makes me question if the damage has already been done. Has it gotten better - shorter? Worth returning? Secondly, I noticed there is no longer a market board for trades, price checks, rate and the like. Why is this? If there is a post for the forum trades thing I could not find it; apologies - thanks in advance.
  7. I have been quite busy the past three weeks mostly with birthday stuff; little time for this videogame. However! I have just today downloaded the latest client and now see there is a Yellow server - fantastic (thank you)! But, I seem to still be waiting in quite a long queue for Blue which makes me question if the damage has already been done. Has it gotten better - shorter? Worth returning? Secondly, I noticed there is no longer a market board for trades, price checks, rate and the like. Why is this? If there is a post for the forum trades thing I could not find it; apologies - thanks in advance.
  8. If you are certain they are not in your PC, then run a virus scan on your computer (Avast!) and reset your password. Then, set a 2-step verification on your email and/or change it for extra precaution for the next time around. Edit: Or, Are you signing into the wrong server? Check by going into both servers and seeing if your progress is there for one of them. Also if you haven't played in a long time your account may have been deleted. Check here if that is the case: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=27809 (great alternative suggestion offered by Tro11z)
  9. The PRO market is quite free. If you are in a Guild, that's usually the best place to get a reasonable quote on prices and the like of those trading it.
  10. It seems you have been given quite a few great answers. So, welcome aboard :y: .
  11. Welcome. I've played trombone since around that age, too :Nervous: .
  12. Welcome.
  13. Porygon is awesome. Welcome.
  14. With a 100 owned dex, you can obtain one from the Cinnibar Labs, yes. You have a small chance to obtain it as a shiny. Alongside that, it may be easier (though much more costly) to upgrade a handful of them into a P2 and have your fingers crossed for a shiny. Hopefully when they are added to the game corner rewards we will see these more.
  15. Seems you were placed in the ghost queue. Normally, a queue position shows up. Occasionally, the client keeps this invisible. Though 15 minutes sounds alot, this morning I personally was placed at like 800 - on Blue, even. Took quite a while. - Restart your client if this happens again.
  16. Welcome. There's a forum specifically for Music and Videos, too. You may get more views there for people specifically wanting to sit down and watch one.
  17. You may have better luck in General Support. From other threads I have read, sometimes a player can mistakenly get into Saffron sooner than the story has intended. How many badges do you have? Did you deliver the refreshments to the guards already? Have you encountered the Team previously, already?
  18. Did you try restarting the client? Do you actually see the queue? Sometimes it becomes what we refer to as ghosted where nothing shows up.
  19. Honestly, if you sold off your entire team you could probably purchase a full EV trained level 100 Gengar/Gyarados (Moxie can help). Those two alone can essentially duo the E4 if you have a few Sturdy's in your team to revive/potion either fallen - with the correct moveset, of course; described in Windy's guide.
  20. There are quite a few scenarios within each region that incorporate the hide and seek concept. If they spot you, you go back to the start. This is intended.
  21. Hug the wall southeast.
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