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About Ash1024

  • Birthday August 28

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  1. Ash1024


    This isn't an in game suggestion and i don't know if suggesting this is legal or not as its not mentioned in the pinned thread. I m enjoying this game for 2 yrs but one thing bothers me, the popularity of this game. This game deserves to be more popular, it may help if you guys become active on social media and display ads. I am sorry if this suggestion was out of context for this thread and it offends your guidelines. Thank you
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  2. yeyyy returning back to pro (hope i can make some progress now ;-;) it have been a while since i played pro but i m still happy to return
  3. What's your in-game name? - Ash1024 ● How old are you? 22 ● Are you active in Discord? yes , NotEnteii#5684 ● Where are you from? India ● What's your total playtime? more than 200, don't know the exact ● What's your goal in PRO? to become a successful pvper ● What do you enjoy while playing the game? I always alll the features because other games never had that ● Why do you want to be part of the guild? I want a community to play with me and i need some help in pvp how to start pvp ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? my favorite is mega Charizard x because i love it's textures and colours included
  4. No I mean that any player can select their friends colour like that in chat
  5. I think you should add a picker so that anyone can decide their friends colour in their acc
  6. PRICES Bracelet quest - 300k Legendary quest - 300k Transport ( subway & teleport) 200k Ign - Ash1024 discord Id - Enteii#4939 Note - I will complete in just two to three days legendary quest they can change their password after done Payment methods Pokedollars Coin Capsule - 400k Reroll ticket - 700k nature reroll - 400k Rare Candy- 8k How to apply Ign (of your main account) - discord Id -
  7. 4684
  8. Close
  9. Sorry by mistake posted two together
  10. Sorry by mistake I m not buying sorry I didn't see the nature sorry
  11. Thanks for ur reply I tried a VPN connection and it worked sorry for my silly mistake
  12. It says loading maps for 10mins then says connection lost what do i do
  13. s.o - 250k Insta - 700k Min bid - 100k Will end after 24 hours after the first bid
  14. I m doing Hunting service contact me for price Contact here or on discord or in game Ign - Ash1024 Discord - Enteii#4939
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