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Everything posted by Emanann

  1. Start: 8M Min Raise: 100k 20M insta Ends 72 hrs after first bid. If a bid is received in the final 15 minutes of the auction, the endpoint will be delayed by 15 minutes from that bid and will be delayed by 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter Payments: cc = 380k, iv rr = 500k
  2. close
  3. Start: 1M Min Raise: 100k no insta Ends 72 hrs after first bid. Payments: cc = 380k, iv rr = 500k
  4. hollow angel/knight type beat
  5. start
  6. In Game Name (IGN). emanann - How old are you? 20 -Hours played. 698 hours - What do you enjoy doing in PRO? (hunt, pvp,etc) Mainly hunting shiny/event/pvp pokes. Have been doing a lot of PvE and am recently getting into PvP - Favorite Pokemon. Litten. Was my first starter shiny on the 3ds - Discord tag. emanann#3903
  7. Emanann

    Eternity guild

    what can you contribute to Eternity? Lending services, as well as content knowledge in regards to PvE ° what is your real life and ingame name? Ethan, emanann ° how old are you and where are you from? 20 and from Philly ° discord tag? how often are you online there? emanann#3903. very active, maybe like 3-4 hours a day ° screenshot of your trainercard
  8. What's your in-game name? emanann discord: emanann ● How old are you? 20 ● Are you active in Discord? Very much so ● Where are you from? Philly ● What's your total playtime? 672 hours ● What's your goal in PRO? Become rich and get all the rare shinies ● What do you enjoy while playing the game? I enjoy the grind of hunting pvp, event, and shiny pokes. I also like PVE and am starting to get invested into PVP ● Why do you want to be part of the guild? Looks to be fun and seems very engaging overall. I also would like to be within a group of people that love the game and can lend a hand (this guild looks to be that way) ● What's your favourite Pokemon and why? Incineroar. Mainly because it was the first starter shiny that i went for on the 3ds bc it looked dope
  9. IGN: emanann Discord: emanann ● Age: 20 ● From Philly ● Play Time: 668 hours ● What do you enjoy doing in the game? I mainly enjoy hunting for shiny/event form pokemon. I also like the process of buying/selling within the game as well. Recently, I've been trying out a lot of PVE and have just about finalized building my first PVP team ● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? I wouldn't mind lending pokemon for story or if anyone needs simple tasks done. I'm usually there to lend a hand. ● Raidoof (his teeth are both sick and funny)
  10. 1.5m fast
  11. Only 1.8m for this good looking hyper carry
  12. Sup, I'm relatively new with only 200 hours in this game. Seems kinda small but I grinded this out during xmas break. Im 18 and have been shiny hunting this entire time. I'd like to learn some pvp in the future but I gotta make quick bank first tho lol. Im a lonely soul hunting for a place to call my squad. Username: Emanann
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