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Everything posted by Jinnmz

  1. 700k by Ivarshelby
  2. 550k by: Arunt
  3. Epic Protean Greninja PvPable Start: 500k Min. Bid: 50k No insta offer The auction will end 48 hours after the first bid. Accept: Nature Reroll (250k) / Iv Reroll (500k) / Coin Capsules (400k)
  4. Hi, i'm Jinnmz from Silver server. I would like to ask questions about the quest service. I currently have 4 accounts and I would like to know if I can still perform these services, such as completing story mode, carrying out dungeons or other types of quests. And if this is possible, is there some kind of guide and rules we should follow? Like online time and trades carried out, for example. Thank you in advance for your attention to the topic.
  5. Already close.
  6. Username: Jinnmz Server : Silver Country : Brazil Timezone: GMT - 3
  7. Player name: Jinnmz Server: Silver Timezone: gmt -3 Rank: 12
  8. Jinnmz

    Guild Logo

    Hi, i'm Jinnmz from silver server. Yesterday my friends and I started a new guild, we registered it but when putting the logo the npc receives the money but doesn't apply the logo. It's been 24 hours since the guild was created.
  9. Username: Jinnmz Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Brazil , gmt -3
  10. Hello. I would like to know if there is any requirement to use the extreme speed tutor on route 48. I couldn't teach it to any of my pikachus, but a friend managed to teach his. Thanks in advance. In-Game: Jinnmz
  11. Yeaah! I got the Shiny outfit. Really thanks for your help.
  12. Hello. Yes, its possible get regular form. At the end of the third level NPC Spirit-Sealer Selina gave me the Mega Gengar outfit.
  13. Hello. Last year I completed the 1st level of the Mega Gengar quest in my another account (In-game: Jinnrd) and got the Mega Gengar outfit. This year I completed the 3 levels because I was told that it was possible to receive the Shiny form of the outfit. The problem is that I received another Mega Gengar Clothes at the end of the third level. I would like to know if it is necessary to talk to an NPC to get the Shiny form or if this form is no longer accessible. Thank you in advance for all the support. In-game: Jinnmz
  14. Thanks a lot for the help. I will do this.
  15. Hello, I can't start Mega Gengar's or XD001's quest. Last year I did the quest to capture the Darkrai and caught it, but I couldn't access Mega Gengar's quest. This year the same thing happened, I tried to access Mega Gengar's quest and couldn't enter the map. Just like the Detective NPC from XD001's quest didn't appear to me. I would like to know if there was any error and if I need to restart the quest. I tried to restart it via Boss Horon, but it didn't work. Nickname: Jinnmz Silver Server
  16. AUCTION: V-Day Drifloon S.O. 1M Min. Raise 200K Insta 10M Duration: 48h after the first bid Accept: CC (450K) and Reroll IV (750K)
  17. 2.8m
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