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Everything posted by Classicneon

  1. @Zoruami is it possible to do a force trade because I am online?
  2. @Abhi07 won the bid. we have been in contact for a while and couldnt meet up because of time zones.
  3. Start bid: 100k Min bid: 10k No insta Cash only END 24 HOUR START -----------------SOLD 100k Start bid: 150k Min bid: 20k No insta Cash only END 24 HOUR START Start Bid: 300k Min bid: 50k No insta Cash only END 24 HOUR START
  4. want ev service for multiple pokes please. Do you accept half price if they need half(ex. have 252 atk but need hp) ev trained?
  5. Starting price 1 mil, no insta. End 24 hours after 1st bid.
  6. 1: Classicneon 2: 1436 3: Lugia 4: Chill Hunting
  7. Need ev service. discord Upcomingcoin201#7189 Thanks
  8. Looking for guild on silver server. pvp guild welcomed but I dont pvp much ( I mainly just hunt pokes). too many better pvpers. I pvp for fun only(sometimes). active at least 5 hours a week.
  9. I would like to join. What is your IGN: Classicneon How old are you: 25 Are you active on discord: Kinda, I work a lot and only on discord for about 2 hours Where from: IA, US Playtime: 1300+ hours and at least 2 hours a day Goal in PRO: To complete dex and further more enjoy online pokemon/players interactions. Why do you want to be part of Chaos: Want to join a pvp guild and not actually pvp( im not that good at pvp) and I want to be a support pillar in any way for Chaos. Favorite pokemon? I have 3, Magikarp, Gyarados, and most favorite Lugia. First pokemon movie I can remember watching and what got me really into pokemon is Pokemon 2000 Lugia movie. Favorite animal..... Squirrel. why? They are hilarious and Delicious! Feel Free to message me anytime IG, mainly on during 7pm-12am central time
  10. Hi! I am 24 and im from IA, United States. Why would i want to join Trinity? I want to chat and have fun with Poke friends and I want to play a supportive role in a successful guild. My highest rating is probably 27 when I was in another guild a few years ago. My last guild disbanded a while back due to leader stepping down for IRL happiness. Congrats to her! I have now started playing PRO again after 1 1/2 years. So much has changed and a guild will help me catch up faster. I play pro whenever I can on weekdays, 1-3 hours, and 3-10 hours on weekends(total of sat and sun). I can contribute my time to poke farming or anything else I have. Just ask and I can say, yes or i dont have it yet. Discord ID: Upcomingcoin201#7189
  11. probably a shiny event where you can find the opposite gender poke for valentines day.
  12. Re: Masters Dojo (Han1996/ FearkL / ClassicNeon)(Daycare Service) <r><QUOTE author="ElectricSheep"><s> </e></QUOTE> pm me ingame or here and what pokes you want to service and ill see if i can service you.</r>
  13. Re: ClassicNeon's Shop <r><QUOTE author="Paraoh"><s> </e></QUOTE> i got it?<e> </e></QUOTE> please message me your ign for you have won the gible</r>
  14. Re: ClassicNeon's Shop <r><QUOTE author="TICOSU"><s> </e></QUOTE> please message me your ign for you have won shellder</r>
  15. Re: ClassicNeon's Shop <t>Gible sold to paraoh 170k. Sorry itachi time was already over.</t>
  16. Re: ClassicNeon's Shop <t>Karp sold for 10k</t>
  17. Re: ClassicNeon's Shop <r>paraoh offering 170k ingame for gible<br/> <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/a5c8fdc40a8c4c90bd3f92f28c0eef4f.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  18. Re: ClassicNeon's Shop <r>renegadezuri offering 10k ingame for karp<br/> <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/6d280282dbf947a0bcb33704208e206e.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  19. Re: ClassicNeon's Shop <r>xana offers 150k ingame for gible<br/> <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/4027d46a788b46c596b492238c63cf22.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  20. Re: ClassicNeon's Shop <r>rubas33 ingame offers 105k for gible<br/> <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/464d19c73055469eb29eeaaf6d89b9ec.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  21. Re: ClassicNeon's Shop <t>please offer any amount you want to offer for the pokemon</t>
  22. Shop is open for 48 hours. Bid offering lasts 24 hours after first bidder. "Offer"
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