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  1. i think u can buy a red candy on lilicove department store or something like that red candy helps u to evolve pokes that u have lvl 100 and u want to evolve them
  2. WTB ign r1nnegan disc: RINNEGAN#4782
  3. WTB this IGN R1NNEGAN DIsc: RINNEGAN#4782
  4. actually they cant say anything its obviously a problem maybe they`ll fix it in the next big update
  5. i would like to buy those 2 discord: RINNEGAN#4782 ign r1nnegan
  6. dont even bother
  7. this is absolutely true we need mirror shards etherian forms are SS pokes of XY BW Meta i dont understand why no1 cares for that its like u dont want new players to contest in the pvp like its easy to get until 200 without etherian some but most teams are base of etherians cuz of their viability
  8. i buy solosis ign r1nnegan disc : RINNEGAN#4782
  9. wtb the naughty azumarill ign r1nnegan disc: RINNEGAN#4782 gmt +2
  10. Player name: R1nnegan Server: Silver Timezone (in GMT): +2
  11. no for me i didnt see gold mb
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